(static) attachApplet(id:, code:, codebase:, archive:, params:)
Attach an applet to the DOM, using the best approach for differet browsers (object/applet/embed). example usage in the code, using a JAR archive (recommended and faster): beef.dom.attachApplet('appletId', 'appletName', 'SuperMario3D.class', null, '', [{'param1':'1', 'param2':'2'}]); example usage in the code, using codebase: beef.dom.attachApplet('appletId', 'appletName', 'SuperMario3D', '', null, null);
Name | Type | Description |
id: |
String | reference identifier to the applet. |
code: |
String | name of the class to be loaded. For example, beef.class. |
codebase: |
String | the URL of the codebase (usually used when loading a single class for an unsigned applet). |
archive: |
String | the jar that contains the code. |
params: |
String | an array of additional params that the applet except. |
(static) createElement(type, attributes) → {Array}
Creates a new element but does not append it to the DOM.
Name | Type | Description |
type |
String | the name of the element. |
attributes |
Array | the attributes of that element. |
the created element.
- Type
- Array
(static) createForm(params:, append:) → {Object}
Create a form element with the specified parameters, appending it to the DOM if append == true
Name | Type | Description |
params: |
Hash | params to be applied to the form element |
append: |
Boolean | automatically append the form to the body |
a form object
- Type
- Object
(static) createIframe(type:, params:, styles:, a) → {Object}
Create an iFrame element and prepend to document body. URI passed via 'src' property of function's 'params' parameter is assigned to created iframe tag's src attribute resulting in GET request to that URI. example usage in the code: beef.dom.createIframe('fullscreen', {'src':$j(this).attr('href')}, {}, null);
Name | Type | Description |
type: |
String | can be 'hidden' or 'fullScreen'. defaults to normal |
params: |
Hash | list of params that will be sent in request. |
styles: |
Hash | css styling attributes, these are merged with the defaults specified in the type parameter |
a |
function | callback function to fire once the iFrame has loaded |
the inserted iFrame
- Type
- Object
(static) createIframeIpecForm(rhost:, rport:, commands:)
Create an invisible iFrame with a form inside, and POST the form in plain-text. Used for inter-protocol exploitation.
Name | Type | Description |
rhost: |
String | remote host ip/domain |
rport: |
String | remote port |
commands: |
String | protocol commands to be executed by the remote host:port service |
(static) createIframeXsrfForm(action:, method:, enctype:, inputs:)
Create an invisible iFrame with a form inside, and submit it. Useful for XSRF attacks delivered via POST requests.
Name | Type | Description |
action: |
String | the form action attribute, where the request will be sent. |
method: |
String | HTTP method, usually POST. |
enctype: |
String | form encoding type |
inputs: |
Array | an array of inputs to be added to the form (type, name, value). example: [{'type':'hidden', 'name':'1', 'value':''} , {'type':'hidden', 'name':'2', 'value':'3'}] |
(static) createInvisibleIframe() → {array}
Creates an invisible iframe on the hook browser's page.
the iframe.
- Type
- array
(static) detachApplet(id:)
Given an id, remove the applet from the DOM.
Name | Type | Description |
id: |
String | reference identifier to the applet. |
(static) generateID(prefix) → {String}
Generates a random ID for HTML elements
Name | Type | Description |
prefix |
String | a custom prefix before the random id. defaults to "beef-" |
generated id
- Type
- String
(static) getHighestZindex(whether) → {Integer|Hash}
Returns the highest current z-index
Name | Type | Description |
whether |
Boolean | to return an associative array with the height AND the ID of the element |
Highest z-index in the DOM OR
- Type
- Integer
A hash with the height and the ID of the highest element in the DOM {'height': INT, 'elem': STRING}
- Type
- Hash
(static) getLinks()
Get links of the current page.
array of URLs.
(static) getLocation()
Get the location of the current page.
the location.
(static) grayOut(vis:, options:)
Load a full screen div that is black, or, transparent
Name | Type | Description |
vis: |
Boolean | whether or not you want the screen dimmer enabled or not |
options: |
Hash | a collection of options to customise how the div is configured, as follows: opacity:0-100 // Lower number = less grayout higher = more of a blackout // By default this is 70 zindex: # // HTML elements with a higher zindex appear on top of the gray out // By default this will use beef.dom.getHighestZindex to always go to the top bgcolor: (#xxxxxx) // Standard RGB Hex color code // By default this is #000000 |
(static) isDOMElement(the) → {boolean}
Tests if the object is a DOM element.
Name | Type | Description |
the |
Object | DOM element. |
true if the object is a DOM element.
- Type
- boolean
(static) parseAppletParams(an) → {String}
Given an array of objects (key/value), return a string of param tags ready to append in applet/object/embed
Name | Type | Description |
an |
Array | array of params for the applet, ex.: [{'argc':'5', 'arg0':'ReverseTCP'}] |
the parameters as a string ready to append to applet/embed/object tags (ex.: ).
- Type
- String
(static) persistentIframe()
Load the link (href value) in an overlay foreground iFrame. The BeEF hook continues to run in background. NOTE: if the target link is returning X-Frame-Options deny/same-origin or uses Framebusting techniques, this will not work.
(static) removeElement(el)
Removes element from the DOM.
Name | Type | Description |
el |
Object | the target element to be removed. |
(static) removeStylesheets()
Remove all external and internal stylesheets from the current page - sometimes prior to socially engineering, or, re-writing a document this is useful.
(static) rewriteLinks(url:, selector:) → {Number}
Rewrites all links matched by selector to url, also rebinds the click method to simply return true
Name | Type | Description |
url: |
String | the url to be rewritten |
selector: |
String | the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags. |
the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
- Type
- Number
(static) rewriteLinksClickEvents(url:, selector:) → {Number}
Rewrites all links matched by selector to url, leveraging Bilawal Hameed's hidden click event overwriting.
Name | Type | Description |
url: |
String | the url to be rewritten |
selector: |
String | the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags. |
the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
- Type
- Number
(static) rewriteLinksProtocol(old_protocol:, new_protocol:, selector:) → {Number}
Parse all links in the page matched by the selector, replacing old_protocol with new_protocol (ex.:https with http)
Name | Type | Description |
old_protocol: |
String | the old link protocol to be rewritten |
new_protocol: |
String | the new link protocol to be written |
selector: |
String | the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags. |
the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
- Type
- Number
(static) rewriteTelLinks(new_number:, selector:) → {Number}
Parse all links in the page matched by the selector, replacing all telephone urls ('tel' protocol handler) with a new telephone number
Name | Type | Description |
new_number: |
String | the new link telephone number to be written |
selector: |
String | the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags. |
the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
- Type
- Number