// Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Wade Alcorn - wade@bindshell.net
// Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) - https://beefproject.com
// See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
* @namespace beef.hardware
beef.hardware = {
ua: navigator.userAgent,
* @return {String} CPU type
getCpuArch: function() {
var arch = 'UNKNOWN';
// note that actually WOW64 means IE 32bit and Windows 64 bit. we are more interested
// in detecting the OS arch rather than the browser build
if (navigator.userAgent.match('(WOW64|x64|x86_64)') || navigator.platform.toLowerCase() == "win64"){
arch = 'x86_64';
}else if(typeof navigator.cpuClass != 'undefined'){
switch (navigator.cpuClass) {
case '68K':
arch = 'Motorola 68K';
case 'PPC':
arch = 'Motorola PPC';
case 'Digital':
arch = 'Alpha';
arch = 'x86';
// TODO we can infer the OS is 64 bit, if we first detect the OS type (os.js).
// For example, if OSX is at least 10.7, most certainly is 64 bit.
return arch;
* Returns number of CPU cores
* @return {String}
getCpuCores: function() {
var cores = 'unknown';
try {
if(typeof navigator.hardwareConcurrency != 'undefined') {
cores = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
} catch(e) {
cores = 'unknown';
return cores;
* Returns CPU details
* @return {String}
getCpuDetails: function() {
return {
arch: beef.hardware.getCpuArch(),
cores: beef.hardware.getCpuCores()
* Returns GPU details
* @return {object}
getGpuDetails: function() {
var gpu = 'unknown';
var vendor = 'unknown';
// use canvas technique:
// https://github.com/Valve/fingerprintjs2
// http://codeflow.org/entries/2016/feb/10/webgl_debug_renderer_info-extension-survey-results/
try {
var getWebglCanvas = function () {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
var gl = null
try {
gl = canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl')
} catch (e) { }
if (!gl) { gl = null }
return gl;
var glContext = getWebglCanvas();
var extensionDebugRendererInfo = glContext.getExtension('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info');
var gpu = glContext.getParameter(extensionDebugRendererInfo.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL);
var vendor = glContext.getParameter(extensionDebugRendererInfo.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL);
beef.debug("GPU: " + gpu + " - Vendor: " + vendor);
} catch (e) {
beef.debug('Failed to detect WebGL renderer: ' + e.toString());
return {
gpu: gpu,
vendor: vendor
* Returns RAM (GiB)
* @return {String}
getMemory: function() {
var memory = 'unknown';
try {
if(typeof navigator.deviceMemory != 'undefined') {
memory = navigator.deviceMemory;
} catch(e) {
memory = 'unknown';
return memory;
* Returns battery details
* @return {Object}
getBatteryDetails: function() {
var battery = navigator.battery || navigator.webkitBattery || navigator.mozBattery;
if (!!battery) {
return {
chargingStatus: battery.charging,
batteryLevel: battery.level * 100 + "%",
chargingTime: battery.chargingTime,
dischargingTime: battery.dischargingTime
} else {
return {
chargingStatus: 'unknown',
batteryLevel: 'unknown',
chargingTime: 'unknown',
dischargingTime: 'unknown'
* Returns zombie screen size and color depth.
* @return {Object}
getScreenSize: function () {
return {
width: window.screen.width,
height: window.screen.height,
colordepth: window.screen.colorDepth
* Is touch enabled?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isTouchEnabled: function() {
if ('ontouchstart' in document) return true;
return false;
* Is virtual machine?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isVirtualMachine: function() {
if (this.getGpuDetails().vendor.match('VMware, Inc'))
return true;
if (this.isMobileDevice())
return false;
// if the screen resolution is uneven, and it's not a known mobile device
// then it's probably a VM
if (screen.width % 2 || screen.height % 2)
return true;
return false;
* Is a Laptop?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isLaptop: function() {
if (this.isMobileDevice()) return false;
// Most common laptop screen resolution
if (screen.width == 1366 && screen.height == 768) return true;
// Netbooks
if (screen.width == 1024 && screen.height == 600) return true;
return false;
* Is Nokia?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isNokia: function() {
return (this.ua.match('(Maemo Browser)|(Symbian)|(Nokia)|(Lumia )')) ? true : false;
* Is Zune?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isZune: function() {
return (this.ua.match('ZuneWP7')) ? true : false;
* Is HTC?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isHtc: function() {
return (this.ua.match('HTC')) ? true : false;
* Is Ericsson?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isEricsson: function() {
return (this.ua.match('Ericsson')) ? true : false;
* Is Motorola?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isMotorola: function() {
return (this.ua.match('Motorola')) ? true : false;
* Is Google?
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
isGoogle: function() {
return (this.ua.match('Nexus One')) ? true : false;
* Returns true if the browser is on a Mobile device
* @return {Boolean} true or false
* @example: if(beef.hardware.isMobileDevice()) { ... }
isMobileDevice: function() {
return MobileEsp.DetectMobileQuick();
* Returns true if the browser is on a game console
* @return {Boolean} true or false
* @example: if(beef.hardware.isGameConsole()) { ... }
isGameConsole: function() {
return MobileEsp.DetectGameConsole();
getName: function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if(MobileEsp.DetectIphone()) { return "iPhone"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectIpod()) { return "iPod Touch"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectIpad()) { return "iPad"};
if (this.isHtc()) { return 'HTC'};
if (this.isMotorola()) { return 'Motorola'};
if (this.isZune()) { return 'Zune'};
if (this.isGoogle()) { return 'Google Nexus One'};
if (this.isEricsson()) { return 'Ericsson'};
if(MobileEsp.DetectAndroidPhone()) { return "Android Phone"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectAndroidTablet()) { return "Android Tablet"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectS60OssBrowser()) { return "Nokia S60 Open Source"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceS60) > -1) { return "Nokia S60"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceS70) > -1) { return "Nokia S70"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceS80) > -1) { return "Nokia S80"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceS90) > -1) { return "Nokia S90"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceSymbian) > -1) { return "Nokia Symbian"};
if (this.isNokia()) { return 'Nokia'};
if(MobileEsp.DetectWindowsPhone7()) { return "Windows Phone 7"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectWindowsPhone8()) { return "Windows Phone 8"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectWindowsPhone10()) { return "Windows Phone 10"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectWindowsMobile()) { return "Windows Mobile"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectBlackBerryTablet()) { return "BlackBerry Tablet"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectBlackBerryWebKit()) { return "BlackBerry OS 6"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectBlackBerryTouch()) { return "BlackBerry Touch"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectBlackBerryHigh()) { return "BlackBerry OS 5"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectBlackBerry()) { return "BlackBerry"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectPalmOS()) { return "Palm OS"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectPalmWebOS()) { return "Palm Web OS"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectGarminNuvifone()) { return "Gamin Nuvifone"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectArchos()) { return "Archos"}
if(MobileEsp.DetectBrewDevice()) { return "Brew"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectDangerHiptop()) { return "Danger Hiptop"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectMaemoTablet()) { return "Maemo Tablet"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectSonyMylo()) { return "Sony Mylo"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectAmazonSilk()) { return "Kindle Fire"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectKindle()) { return "Kindle"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectSonyPlaystation()) { return "Playstation"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceNintendoDs) > -1) { return "Nintendo DS"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceWii) > -1) { return "Nintendo Wii"};
if(ua.search(MobileEsp.deviceNintendo) > -1) { return "Nintendo"};
if(MobileEsp.DetectXbox()) { return "Xbox"};
if(this.isLaptop()) { return "Laptop"};
if(this.isVirtualMachine()) { return "Virtual Machine"};
return 'Unknown';