// Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Wade Alcorn - wade@bindshell.net
// Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) - https://beefproject.com
// See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
* Provides basic session functions.
* @namespace beef.session
beef.session = {
hook_session_id_length: 80,
hook_session_id_chars: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
ec: new evercookie(),
beefhook: "<%= @hook_session_name %>",
* Gets a string which will be used to identify the hooked browser session
* @example: var hook_session_id = beef.session.get_hook_session_id();
get_hook_session_id: function() {
// check if the browser is already known to the framework
var id = this.ec.evercookie_cookie(beef.session.beefhook);
if (typeof id == 'undefined') {
var id = this.ec.evercookie_userdata(beef.session.beefhook);
if (typeof id == 'undefined') {
var id = this.ec.evercookie_window(beef.session.beefhook);
// if the browser is not known create a hook session id and set it
if ((typeof id == 'undefined') || (id == null)) {
id = this.gen_hook_session_id();
// return the hooked browser session identifier
return id;
* Sets a string which will be used to identify the hooked browser session
* @example: beef.session.set_hook_session_id('RANDOMSTRING');
set_hook_session_id: function(id) {
// persist the hook session id
this.ec.evercookie_cookie(beef.session.beefhook, id);
this.ec.evercookie_userdata(beef.session.beefhook, id);
this.ec.evercookie_window(beef.session.beefhook, id);
* Generates a random string using the chars in hook_session_id_chars.
* @example: beef.session.gen_hook_session_id();
gen_hook_session_id: function() {
// init the return value
var hook_session_id = "";
// construct the random string
for(var i=0; i<this.hook_session_id_length; i++) {
var rand_num = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.hook_session_id_chars.length);
hook_session_id += this.hook_session_id_chars.charAt(rand_num);
return hook_session_id;